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Releases: HighCapable/SweetProperty


08 Nov 06:56
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SweetProperty 1.0.5 Released

  • Fix a serious issue that caused code generation failure when encountering special characters and duplicate key-value names

For more details, please check the changelog.

SweetProperty 1.0.5 已发布

  • 修复遇到特殊字符和重复键值名称造成代码生成失败的严重问题



03 Nov 18:32
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SweetProperty 1.0.4 Released

  • Fix the issue where attribute key value names like a=some and a_b=some would cause duplicate method names
  • Fix the problem that the interpolation content generated using ${...} still carries string type quotes
  • Generated code is marked with @Nonnull to make it recognized as a non-null return type in Kotlin DSL scripts
  • Added project(...) configuration method to support configuring multiple projects at the same time
  • Some other functional improvements

For more details, please check the changelog.

SweetProperty 1.0.4 已发布

  • 修复类似 a=somea_b=some 的属性键值名称会造成重复方法名称的问题
  • 修复使用 ${...} 生成的插值内容依然会携带字符串类型引号问题
  • 生成的代码使用 @Nonnull 标记以使其能够在 Kotlin DSL 脚本中识别为非空返回值类型
  • 新增 project(...) 配置方法支持同时配置多个项目
  • 一些其它功能性的改进



26 Sep 00:40
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SweetProperty 1.0.3 Released

  • The automatic code generation function will always output source code files to facilitate debugging when the generation fails
  • Fix Gradle lifecycle problem
  • Fix root project was recognized as two projects after the case was changed
  • Fix all function of the sub-project fails after using other configuration functions in the global configuration
  • Improve and adopt Gradle project naming convention
  • Added plugin own update function
  • Some other functional improvements

For more details, please check the changelog.

SweetProperty 1.0.3 已发布

  • 自动生成代码功能将始终输出源码文件,以方便在生成失败的时候进行调试
  • 修复 Gradle 生命周期问题
  • 修复根项目大小写变化后识别为两个项目的问题
  • 修复在全局配置中使用过其它配置方法后,子项目的 all 方法失效问题
  • 改进并采用 Gradle 项目命名规范
  • 新增插件自身检查更新功能
  • 一些其它功能性的改进



06 Sep 17:50
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SweetProperty 1.0.2 Released

  • Use net.lingala.zip4j to replace JDK's default function of creating compressed files and fix the problem that the JAR created by Gradle 8.0.2+
    version on Windows platform is broken and the generated classes cannot be found
  • Refactor the loading function of the automatically generated code part, and add an error message that classes may not be found
  • Deprecated propertiesFileName method
  • Added propertiesFileNames method, now you can set a group of properties file names at the same time
  • Added includeKeys method, now you can set an array of properties key names to include only
  • Added keyValuesRules method, now you can modify the actual parsing result of the value content during the properties key-values loading process

For more details, please check the changelog.

SweetProperty 1.0.2 已发布

  • 使用 net.lingala.zip4j 取代 JDK 默认创建压缩文档功能修复在 Windows 平台中 Gradle 8.0.2+ 版本创建的 JAR 损坏导致找不到生成的 Class 问题
  • 重构自动生成代码部分的装载功能,增加可能找不到 Class 的错误提示
  • 作废了 propertiesFileName 方法
  • 新增 propertiesFileNames 方法,现在你可以同时设置一组属性配置文件名称了
  • 新增 includeKeys 方法,现在你可以设置仅包含的属性键值名称数组了
  • 新增 keyValuesRules 方法,现在你可以在属性键值装载过程中修改键值内容的实际解析结果



03 Sep 18:43
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SweetProperty 1.0.1 Released

  • After enabling isEnableTypeAutoConversion, you can use '' or "" to force the content of a value to be a string type
  • Modify the content of the properties key-values in the generated code to use the optimized type to render

For more details, please check the changelog.

SweetProperty 1.0.1 已发布

  • 新增启用 isEnableTypeAutoConversion 后可以使用 '' 或 "" 强制设置一个键值内容为字符串类型
  • 修改生成的代码中属性键值的内容使用优化后的类型呈现



02 Sep 17:21
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SweetProperty 1.0.0 Released

  • The first version is submitted to Maven

For more details, please check the changelog.

SweetProperty 1.0.0 已发布

  • 首个版本提交至 Maven
