- Angular 1.3
- new multiselect directive
- modalDialogs improvements, fixes
- rename ymusica typeahead directive to typeAhead
- filtersService major refactoring (now has instances)
- httpInterceptor ignoreErrors improvements
- new modalDialogs factory
- confirmation factory (based on modalDialogs) instead of old confirm service
- remove jQuery from selectBox and inputDate directives
- uiMask (as ui.dateTimeMask module), uiMaskInterceptor (as service)
- inputDate has mask-type attr (to use jquery.inputmask or ui.dateTimeMask)
- remove ui.scroll from repo
- common custom styles (webApiComponentsStyles.less)
- popup is service now, directive removing
- Repository major refactoring
- httpInterceptor refactoring
jquery_inputmask plugin upd. (0.1.2)
new cookies service (0.1.3)
httpInterceptor error statuses which has to be ignored option (0.1.4)
cookies refactor and updates (0.1.4)
new typeahead directive (0.1.5)
major cookies upd. (prefix instead of path in routeParams cookie) (0.1.6)
new associationService (0.1.7)
inputDate and associationService improvements (0.1.8)
http interceptor factory
debounce factory
popup directive
confirm factory
new selectBox directive (instead of select2)
minor but really countless updates within inputDate directive
major update ngScroller directive (v0.1.2 -> v1.0.0); now it is "ui-scroll" and "ui-scroll-viewport"
angular 1.2.16