is a Script to get informations (like Acount Balance or Monthly fees) from your online Account like Uberspace. For now, only Uberspace is supported with monthly fees, account balance and extra storage. It's get the password to the account from pass, but you need a specific [syntax](#Pass syntax) in your pass. (or you have to adjust the script).
The script can easily be used for example in sc-im. With this you can have a nice table and overview about multiple accounts.
- cUrl
- sed
- cat
- pandoc (Text - html)
- awk
- grep
- echo
- pass
account_scraper uberspace konto test/test/test
: the service / module to use
: The information you want to get. (For Uberspace: konto=account balance; mon=monthly fee; gb=extra storage)
: the postition for the username and password in pass
For the script to word you need this syntax in your pass:
User: $username
Change $username
and $password
to your needs.
@ston(@ext("./account_scraper uberspace konto test/test/test #",0))
@ston(@ext("./account_scraper uberspace konto "#A3#"/"#B3#"/"#C3#" #",0))
The second one get the path to pass directly from the sc-im cells (A3; B3; C3) in the sc-im file.
This is to allow external functions. You have to place it in the sc-im file or the global config.
set external_functions=1