This project is about a miniaturization of the Vive Tracker by HTC. It allows sub-millimetric 3d positioning, and embeds a 9DoF IMU with sensor fusion. This project is open source, all the materials can be found online:
This repository contains the Arduino code to program it, more explanations to use it are below:
The processor used in this project is not Arduino compatible by default but the following steps explain how to do it anyway.
- Download the Arduino IDE:
- Install the nRF52 support - read carefully these instructions (no need to follow the "From git" instructions):
- Install the BLE peripheral library with these instructions:
In the "Tools" menu select:
- "Board->Generic nRF52"
- "Softdevice->S132" (select "None" if you don't use BLE)
- The rest depends on your personal configuration.
If you prefer command line, you can also do:
make compile
This board doesn't come with a programmer for now but several cheap solutions exist:
- Adafruit sells J-Link and ST-Link probes:
- For those with limited budget, these alternatives work too:
- But if you already have a Teensy or a 3.3V Arduino compatible board with ATmega32U4 (such as this one), you can build your own programmer thanks to this repository:
The above Install section should be enough in most cases but you might need to install udev rule on linux:
Finally, in the "Tools" menu select the right SWD probe:
- "Programmer->J-Link"
- "Programmer->ST-Link"
In the Arduino IDE it's the same as usual...
...and if you prefer command line, you can also do:
make # upload is by default