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favonia committed May 8, 2017
1 parent f7897a0 commit 7278ce7
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Showing 2 changed files with 55 additions and 18 deletions.
27 changes: 14 additions & 13 deletions theorems/stash/modalities/JoinAdj.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ module stash.modalities.JoinAdj {i j k}

module From (f : B C) (γ : A hfiber cst f)
= JoinRec (fst ∘ γ) f (λ { (a , b) app= (snd (γ a)) b })
= JoinRec (fst ∘ γ) f (λ a b app= (snd (γ a)) b)

from-β : (f : B C) (γ : A hfiber cst f)
(a : A) (b : B) ap (From.f f γ) (glue (a , b)) == app= (snd (γ a)) b
from-β f γ a b = From.glue-β f γ (a , b)
(a : A) (b : B) ap (From.f f γ) (jglue a b) == app= (snd (γ a)) b
from-β f γ a b = From.glue-β f γ a b

to : (A * B C) Σ (B C) (λ f A hfiber cst f)
to φ = φ ∘ right , (λ a φ (left a) , λ= (λ b ap φ (glue (a , b))))
Expand All @@ -30,16 +30,17 @@ module stash.modalities.JoinAdj {i j k}
coh a = pair= idp (ap λ= (λ= (λ b from-β f γ a b)) ∙ ! (λ=-η (snd (γ a))))

from-to :: A * B C) from (to φ) == φ
from-to φ = λ= (Join-elim (λ a idp) (λ b idp) (λ ab ↓-==-in (coh ab)))

where coh : (ab : A × B) ap φ (glue ab) == ap (from (to φ)) (glue ab) ∙ idp
coh (a , b) = ap φ (glue (a , b))
=⟨ ! (app=-β (λ b ap φ (glue (a , b))) b) ⟩
app= (λ= (λ b ap φ (glue (a , b)))) b
=⟨ ! (from-β (fst (to φ)) (snd (to φ)) a b) ⟩
ap (From.f (fst (to φ)) (snd (to φ))) (glue (a , b))
=⟨ ! (∙-unit-r (ap (from (to φ)) (glue (a , b)))) ⟩
ap (from (to φ)) (glue (a , b)) ∙ idp ∎
from-to φ = λ= (Join-elim (λ a idp) (λ b idp) (λ a b ↓-==-in (coh a b)))

where coh : a b ap φ (jglue a b) == ap (from (to φ)) (jglue a b) ∙ idp
coh a b = ap φ (jglue a b)
=⟨ ! (app=-β (λ b ap φ (jglue a b)) b) ⟩
app= (λ= (λ b ap φ (jglue a b))) b
=⟨ ! (from-β (fst (to φ)) (snd (to φ)) a b) ⟩
ap (From.f (fst (to φ)) (snd (to φ))) (jglue a b)
=⟨ ! (∙-unit-r (ap (from (to φ)) (jglue a b))) ⟩
ap (from (to φ)) (jglue a b) ∙ idp

join-adj : (A * B C) ≃ Σ (B C) (λ f A hfiber cst f)
join-adj = equiv to from to-from from-to
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46 changes: 41 additions & 5 deletions theorems/stash/modalities/Orthogonality.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -58,7 +58,13 @@ module stash.modalities.Orthogonality where
g-f = λ a idp ;
adj = λ a λ=-η idp }

equiv-preserves-orth-l : {A B X : Type ℓ} (A ≃ B) ⟦ A ⊥ X ⟧ ⟦ B ⊥ X ⟧
Δ-equiv-is-contr : (A : Type i) is-equiv (Δ A A) is-contr A
Δ-equiv-is-contr A e = is-equiv.g e (idf A) , (λ a app= (is-equiv.f-g e (idf A)) a)

self-orth-is-contr : (A : Type i) ⟦ A ⊥ A ⟧ is-contr A
self-orth-is-contr A ω = Δ-equiv-is-contr A ω

equiv-preserves-orth-l : {A B X : Type i} (A ≃ B) ⟦ A ⊥ X ⟧ ⟦ B ⊥ X ⟧
equiv-preserves-orth-l {A} {B} {X} (f , f-ise) ω = is-eq (Δ X B) g f-g ω.g-f

where module ω = is-equiv ω
Expand All @@ -70,7 +76,7 @@ module stash.modalities.Orthogonality where
f-g :: B X) Δ X B (g φ) == φ
f-g φ = λ= λ b app= (ω.f-g (φ ∘ f)) (f.g b) ∙ ap φ (f.f-g b)

equiv-preserves-orth-r : {A X Y : Type } (X ≃ Y) ⟦ A ⊥ X ⟧ ⟦ A ⊥ Y ⟧
equiv-preserves-orth-r : {A X Y : Type i} (X ≃ Y) ⟦ A ⊥ X ⟧ ⟦ A ⊥ Y ⟧
equiv-preserves-orth-r {A} {X} {Y} (f , f-ise) ω = is-eq (Δ Y A) g f-g g-f

where module ω = is-equiv ω
Expand All @@ -85,6 +91,19 @@ module stash.modalities.Orthogonality where
g-f : (y : Y) g (Δ Y A y) == y
g-f y = ap f (ω.g-f (f.g y)) ∙ f.f-g y

Σ-orth : {A X : Type i} {B : A Type i} ⟦ A ⊥ X ⟧ (B⊥ : (a : A) ⟦ B a ⊥ X ⟧) ⟦ Σ A B ⊥ X ⟧
Σ-orth {A} {X} {B} A⊥ B⊥ = is-eq _ from to-from from-to

where from : (Σ A B X) X
from φ = ctr A⊥ (λ a ctr (B⊥ a) (λ b φ (a , b)))

to-from :: Σ A B X) cst (from φ) == φ
to-from φ = λ= (λ { (a , b) app= (ctr-null A⊥ (λ a ctr (B⊥ a) (λ b φ (a , b)))) a ∙
app= (ctr-null (B⊥ a) (λ b φ (a , b))) b })

from-to : (x : X) from (cst x) == x
from-to x = ap (ctr A⊥) (λ= (λ a ctr-cst (B⊥ a) x)) ∙ ctr-cst A⊥ x

-- -- This works if the base is connected, but you'll have to add that
-- fib-orth : {A X : Type i} {B : A Type i} ⟦ Σ A B ⊥ X ⟧ (a : A) ⟦ B a ⊥ X ⟧
-- fib-orth {A} {X} {B} Σ⊥ a = is-eq _ g {!!} {!!}
Expand All @@ -105,6 +124,22 @@ module stash.modalities.Orthogonality where
×-orth : {A B X : Type i} ⟦ A ⊥ X ⟧ ⟦ B ⊥ X ⟧ ⟦ A × B ⊥ X ⟧
×-orth {B = B} A⊥ B⊥ = Σ-orth {B = λ _ B} A⊥ (λ _ B⊥)

-- Okay, you need to find a simpler way.
-- *-orth : {A B X : Type i} ⟦ B ⊥ X ⟧ ⟦ A * B ⊥ X ⟧
-- *-orth {A} {B} {X} ω = is-eq (Δ X (A * B)) from to-from from-to

-- where from : (A * B X) X
-- from f = is-equiv.g ω (f ∘ right)

-- where test : A hfiber cst (f ∘ right)
-- test = snd (–> (join-adj A B X) f)

-- to-from : (f : A * B X) Δ X (A * B) (from f) == f
-- to-from f = {!!}

-- from-to : (x : X) from (Δ X (A * B) x) == x
-- from-to x = {!is-equiv.g-f ω x!}


-- Right, this is a special case of the join adjunction ...
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,8 +190,8 @@ module stash.modalities.Orthogonality where
_≻_ : Type i Type i Type _
X ≻ A = (Y : Type i) ⟦ A ⊥ Y ⟧ ⟦ X ⊥ Y ⟧

≻-emap : {X Y : Type i} {A : Type i} X ≻ A X ≃ Y Y ≻ A
≻-emap {X} {Y} {A} ω e Z o = orth-emap (ω Z o) e
equiv-preserves-≻-l : {X Y : Type i} {A : Type i} X ≃ Y X ≻ A Y ≻ A
equiv-preserves-≻-l {X} {Y} {A} e ω Z o = equiv-preserves-orth-l e (ω Z o)

≻-trivial : (A : Type i) (Lift ⊤) ≻ A
≻-trivial A X _ = Unit-orth X
Expand All @@ -180,8 +215,9 @@ module stash.modalities.Orthogonality where
hp-kills-paths : (A : Type i) is-hyper-prop A
(X : Type i) X ≻ A
(x y : X) (x == y) ≻ A
hp-kills-paths A hp X X≻A x y = ≻-emap (hp (Lift ⊤) X (λ _ x) (≻-trivial A) X≻A y)
hp-kills-paths A hp X X≻A x y = equiv-preserves-≻-l
(equiv snd (λ p (_ , p)) (λ _ idp) (λ _ idp))
(hp (Lift ⊤) X (λ _ x) (≻-trivial A) X≻A y)

-- Okay, so in some sense this is much more natural.
-- It just says the connected guys have to be closed under
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