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Make a simple call

Cussa Mitre edited this page Sep 2, 2017 · 5 revisions

When you just want to do a simple call, this is the easiest approach!

Create the WebService with the url and the namespace (optional). If you don't provide the namespace, the default "" will be used. When call the Invoke method, inform which web method you want and what is the return type.

var wsCon = new WebService("http://localhost/XitSoap/ProductService.asmx");
var result = wsCon.Invoke<Product>("GetProduct");

2 Lines. Request done!

And if I want to provide the namespace, will it take too much effort?

No. The WebService constructor has a overload where you can provide the namespace.

var wsCon = new WebService("http://localhost/XitSoap/ProductService.asmx", "");
var result = wsCon.Invoke<Product>("GetProduct");

Still 2 Lines. Request done!