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SoapActionComplement: because sometimes it's necessary even more!

Cussa Mitre edited this page Feb 7, 2018 · 1 revision

A user reported to us that on his webService, the call needs to have more one information on the SOAPAction header. On the old implementation, the SOAPAction was generated based on the Namespace + method name. But, as it was not enough, we create a possibility to go further!

Now, when call the method Invoke, you can pass more one parameter, the SoapActionComplement. This parameter will be inserted on the SOAPAction header. See the example below:

var wsCon = new WebService("http://localhost/XitSoap/ProductService.asmx", "");
wsCon.AddParameter("Name", "product 01");
var result = wsCon.Invoke<Product>("SearchProduct", "IProductService");

SOAPAction: "" namespace/SoapActionComplement/methodName

This was a request by the user maracuja-juice on Create new parameter SoapActionComplement.