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HomeKid edited this page Sep 16, 2019 · 4 revisions

Wi-Fi Setup

You must configure wifi network before adding the accessory to HomeKit. To configure Wi-Fi settings, device generates its own Wi-Fi in AP mode. You must connect to it in order to setup your Wi-Fi network.

Simply take your iOS device, go to Setting -> Wi-Fi, and search for an SSID called HomeKid- followed by the module's MAC address and connect to it. For security reasons the AP is password protected!

Default AP password: 12345678

Wait a few seconds until a web appears showing you all Wi-Fi networks that the device has found. Select yours, and enter password then click the Join button! The module will try to connect the selected Wi-Fi network, this will take a couple of seconds.

Note: If the given password is wrong, you can Reset the Wi-fi settings by holding the Reset button for 10sec

HomeKit Setup

In your iOS device, open Home App and follow normal steps to add a new accessory.
Pairing setup takes about 30 seconds.

Default  HomeKit code is 586-84-417.

Also You can scan this HomeKit QR code:

Note: If pairing fails, you can unpower your device, repower it, and start HomeKit setup again (Wifi settings keep configured). After successful pairing the LED strip will flashing white 3 times!


Resetting device to factory defaults

The code has a Reset function in case of something goes wrong. Wait about 5 seconds to allow device to boot completely, and then long press the button for at least 10sec!

Note: Single pressing the same button will toggle the LED strip ON or OFF

All configured settings has been removed and device is restarting. This removes HomeKit and Wi-Fi settings, and your device will go to Access Point mode next time in order to reconfigure Wi-Fi.

Reconnecting to Wifi network

If wifi network becomes unreachable, device will keep searching Wi-Fi automatically until it can connect again when Wi-Fi becomes available.

If your ESP8266 module doesn't have physical button attached, you can use jumper wires to connect GPIO0 and GND for 10 seconds.

Note: Resetting the accessory may not remove it from the Home app, you need to do it manually after resetting! Before resetting the LED strip will flashing red 3 times, which indicates the start of Reset process!
