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Hugo site files for the Hong Kong Districts Info website

✒️ Contribution Guide

To contribute to this site, you will first need to install Hugo and git. You will also need to set up a sub-module so that the local directory containing the Hugo site files would point to two places:

  1. site - the full directory containing the actual site files.
  2. - the sub-directory called public, which points to This sub-directory contains the static HTML files generated by Hugo.

📃 The set up

The Hong Kong Districts Info website is hosted on GitHub, via GitHub Pages. The website itself is a static site set-up, meaning that all the HTML files are pre-generated and are delivered to the user's web browser exactly as stored, in contrast to dynamic web pages which are generated by a web application. Hugo is the static site generator used for building this website, which is itself open-source and is a library written in Go, an open-source language by Google. There are several reasons why we chose to use Hugo:

  • Speed: it claims to be the world’s fastest framework for building websites, and certainly in our experience it is very fast
  • Ease of use: the language itself is very simple and can be picked up easily by someone with minimal programming knowledge
  • Popularity: the popularity makes it easy to find resources when troubleshooting an issue

The entire website set-up is open-source, fast to load (for the user), and fast to deploy (for the developer). At the time of writing there is no plan to move the site to a custom domain name.

📦 Installing Hugo

Follow the instructions on the Hugo documentation page to install Hugo.

📦 Installing git

If git is not installed already, follow the instructions on this page to install git.

💻 Set up the site on your local machine

The following instructions for the set up is for Windows.

  1. Start with navigating to your local directory using Command Prompt (type cmd in your Windows bar). Say you want to set up the website files in MyFolder/WebFiles/. The following code changes your directory with the specified file path (substitute accordingly):
cd Documents/MyFolder/WebFiles
  1. Next, run git clone This will create a clone of the site repository from GitHub under MyFolder/WebFiles/. You should be able to see the site files using Windows Explorer.

  2. Run cd site to change your current path to within the site files.

  3. Run hugo server and and open your browser to http://localhost:1313. This is your local deployment of the website.

  4. Once you are happy with the results, you can press Ctrl+C to kill the server. Before proceeding, run rm -rf public to completely remove the public directory.

  5. Run git submodule add -b master public. This creates a git submodule. Now when you run the hugo command to build your site to public, the created public directory will have a different remote origin (i.e. hosted GitHub repository).

Please see for the original instructions.

🔩 Making a change and testing locally

You can run hugo server and and open your browser to http://localhost:1313 to test the website locally.

You can test this by duplicating and editing a Markdown file in site/content/portfolio/, and the site should update accordingly.

🔎 Key Elements of the site directory

  • config.toml specifies the main parameters for the site. This is where you would edit to add a new page in the navigation bar, activate/deactivate certain page elements, change the theme, or change the baseURL of the site.
  • public contains the static site outputs that Hugo generates by running hugo. You should never edit these files manually. The files in public is what GitHub Pages uses directly to host the website.
  • static contains the static files that you need to refer to in the content, e.g. images, logos, or PDF files that you would like to be accessible from the hosted website. For example: if you put a file called kangaroo.jpg directly under static, then you can access this file by going to
├── archetypes
|  └──
├── assets
|  ├── css
|  ├── js
|  └── scss
├── config.toml ------------------------------- store main parameters for the site
├── content
|  ├── about
|  ├── blog
|  ├── contact
|  ├── dc
|  └── portfolio
├── data  ------------------------------------- change data / content for certain pages. The appearances are specified in `partials`.
|  ├── clients.yml
|  ├── contact.yml
|  ├── counter.yml
|  ├── feature.yml
|  ├── gallery.yml
|  ├── service.yml
|  ├── team.yml
|  └── testimonial.yml
├── --------------------------------- A shell script for pushing changes from the `public` subdirectory to GitHub Pages.
├── dev-mode.bat ------------------------------ A batch file for running `hugo server` (local deployment).
├── layouts ----------------------------------- Holds all the HTML files that affect the structure / layout of the website.
|  ├── 404.html
|  ├── about
|  ├── blog
|  ├── contact
|  ├── dc
|  ├── index.html
|  ├── partials  ------------------------------ Individual HTML elements that can make up the site.
|  ├── portfolio
|  ├── taxonomy
|  └── _default
├── public ------------------------------------ Contains the static site outputs that Hugo generates by running `hugo`.
|  ├── about
|  ├── blog
|  ├── categories
|  ├── contact
|  ├── css
|  ├── dc
|  ├── font-awesome
|  ├── images
|  ├── index.html
|  ├── index.xml
|  ├── js
|  ├── languages
|  ├── portfolio
|  ├──
|  ├── scss
|  ├── sitemap.xml
|  └── tags
├── ------------------------------- A shell script for merging changes from the main site and pushing local changes.
├── resources
|  └── _gen
├── static
|  └── images
└── themes
   └── roxo

🔌 Deploying the site

To be written...