Are you itching to unfollow those who haven't reciprocated on Instagram? Fulfill your teenage betrayal revenge dream with the power of the following code. Take control and effortlessly prune your followers list, ensuring that your follows are reciprocated and reclaiming the satisfaction of social media justice. Simply unleash the power of this code and relive your unfollowing vengeance!
This is the easiest and most official way to access your data.
Here's how:
- Go to your Instagram profile and click on the gear icon in the top right corner.
- Select "Settings" and then "Privacy" in the menu.
- Click on "Security" and then "Download Your Information." Don't Worry Click Here!
- Enter your email address and choose the "JSON" format.
- Optionally, select the date range for your data.
- Click "Request Download" and wait for Instagram to process your request.
- You will receive an email with a link to download your data. Click on the link and download the ZIP file.
- Extract the ZIP file and locate the "followers_1.json" and "following.json" JSON files within.
Download the Repository:
- Clone or download the repository to your local machine.
Place "followers_1.json" and "following.json" in Repo Folder:
- After downloading your Instagram data, place the extracted "followers_1.json" and "following.json" files in the root folder of the cloned/downloaded repository.
Run the
- Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the repository folder.
- Run the "" script. This script will analyze your follower and following data, identifying users who may not be reciprocating follows.
That's It! ;)
- The script will output the results, highlighting potential Instagram betrayals and suggesting actions to manage your followers effectively.
By following these simple steps, you can use the tool to streamline your Instagram connections, making it easier to identify and address any instances of one-sided following. Enjoy reconnecting with your Instagram community effortlessly!