This project contains the code for a Raspberry Pi time lapse camera. There are three main files included; the Python script for taking the photos, a System D service definition and an install Shell script to move everything into the right place and activate the service etc.
Using a Lisiparoi IR LED Module and a NoIR Raspberry Pi Camera, connect up your hardware as per this diagram:
The GPIO for the LED should be on GPIO 2 and the LED needs a 5V power input. Beware that these LED modules can get quite hot during normal operation!
Attach your NoIR Raspberry Pi camera module into the Lisipario as described here: and then attach your NoIR Raspberry Pi camera to the Pi as usual.
- Enable your PiCamera:
sudo raspi-config
- Select
5 Interfacing Options
- Select
P1 Camera
- Select
- Select
- Select
- Select
to reboot now
- Move into your home directory
cd ~
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Move into the repository directory
cd Time_Lapse/
- Run
to create the required directories, copy the files into the correct place and enable teh service - Run
sudo shutdown now -hP
Your time lapse will start after 5 minutes from the next time you power on your Pi.