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Many Data Modality Architecture Research Framework



The Many Data Modality Architecture Research Framework is a research-oriented project designed to facilitate efficient transformer-based research across a variety of data modalities. This framework is equipped with pre-implemented benchmarks for data types such as point clouds, graphs, and sequences, enabling researchers to focus on developing and testing new models.



To get started with the Many Data Modality Architecture Research Framework, you'll need the following dependencies:

# Install PyTorch (version 2.4+ required)
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url

# Install Flash Attention (For sliding window Attention if needed)
pip install flash-attn --no-build-isolation

# Warm-up, Timm (For DropPath), other common ML libraries
pip install pytorch-warmup timm numpy matplotlib

# Install Compress-Pickle to load the preprocessed Graph dataset (converting Pytorch-Geometric format to our format)
pip install compress_pickle[lz4]

# Install dataset-specific libraries (highly dependent on use-case)
# Example: For graph data
pip install torch-geometric
pip install nuscenes-devkit

For other data modalities, install relevant libraries as needed. On the other hand, you can use our environment with a lot of packages in requirement.txt


  • We work on two levels: DL Python Module Implementations (implementations of control flows, layers, optimizers, schedulers, \dots) and Experiment files (flow of tensors, hyperparameters, \dots)
  • The experiment file defines high level things: how the tensor flows from loaders to prediction results/loss computation and hyperparameters (what optimizers, schedulers, ...)
  • The Python Implementations are meant to be small, consise, and reusable. (e.g. implementation of transformer layer, implementation of dataset modules, ...)
  • The Python Implementations also includes specific experiments. We will work to simplify this into an unified parser working across all datasets, with more diverse optimization scheme

Prepare Data

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch_geometric
from compress_pickle import dump, load

def preprocess_graph(graph, max_n_nodes, max_n_edges):
    x, edge_index, edge_attr = graph.x, graph.edge_index, graph.edge_attr
    node_features = torch.zeros(1, max_n_nodes, x.shape[1])
    node_features[:, :x.shape[0], :] = x.unsqueeze(0)
    mask_node = torch.ones(1, max_n_nodes, 1)
    mask_node[:, x.shape[0]:, :] = 0.0

    connection = torch.ones(1, max_n_edges, 2, dtype=torch.long) * (max_n_edges - 1)
    connection[:, :edge_index.shape[1], :] = edge_index.transpose(0, 1).unsqueeze(0)

    edge_features = torch.zeros(1, max_n_edges, edge_attr.shape[1])
    edge_features[:, :edge_attr.shape[0], :] = edge_attr.unsqueeze(0)
    mask_edge = torch.ones(1, max_n_edges, 1)
    mask_edge[:, edge_attr.shape[0]:, :] = 0.0

    return node_features, edge_features, mask_node, mask_edge, connection

def dump_dataset(your_pytorch_geometric_dataset, pe)
    self.dataset = your_pytorch_geometric_dataset
    self.dataset_ = []
    self.d_len = len(self.dataset)
    self.indx = [i for i in range(self.d_len)]
    self.pre_transformed_dataset = []
    self.max_n_nodes = 0
    self.max_n_edges = 0
    if pe == 'rwpe':
        PE_gen = torch_geometric.transforms.AddRandomWalkPE(walk_length=24, attr_name='PE')
    elif pe == 'lape':
        PE_gen = torch_geometric.transforms.AddLaplacianEigenvectorPE(24, attr_name="PE")

    with torch.no_grad():
        for i in tqdm(range(len(self.dataset))):
            dpoint = self.dataset[i]
            self.max_n_nodes = max(self.max_n_nodes, dpoint.x.shape[0])
            self.max_n_edges = max(self.max_n_edges, dpoint.edge_attr.shape[0])

        for i in tqdm(range(len(self.dataset))):
            dpoint = self.dataset[i]
            node_features, edge_features, mask_node, mask_edge, connection = preprocess_graph(dpoint, self.max_n_nodes, self.max_n_edges)
            if pe != "None":
                pe_feature = PE_gen(dpoint)['PE']
                pe_feature = pe_feature.unsqueeze(0)
                pe_feature = F.pad(pe_feature, (0, 0, 0, self.max_n_nodes - pe_feature.shape[1]))
                node_features =[node_features, pe_feature], dim=-1)
            self.pre_transformed_dataset.append([node_features.squeeze(0), edge_features.squeeze(0), mask_node.squeeze(0), mask_edge.squeeze(0), connection.squeeze(0), dpoint.y])
    dump(self.pre_transformed_dataset, "lrgb_voc_" + str(split) + "_" + str(pe) + "_.pkl", compression="lzma")


  • Modules receive a Python dictionary of tensors and output a Python dictionary of tensors

  • Flow of tensors is implemented in

    • Save: Save the Tensor with 'x' key to a designated key:
      • Init: (self, name='x_saved')
      • Forward: (self, x)
      • Return: Tensor of the same size
    • Merge: A learnable residual branch to merge Tensors in key 'x' and another given key:
      • Init: (self, name='x_saved')
      • Forward: (self, x)
      • Return: Tensor of the same size
  • We implement SAMSA layer in and the differentiable Multi Head Sampler in

    • SAMSA Layer (HSTransformerLayer): Differentiable Sampling Transformer Layer:

      • Init:
        • d_model: int, the tokens' number of hidden dimensions
        • d_attention: int, the q/k vector's number of hidden dimensions
        • d_feedforward: int, the feedforward MLP number of hidden dimensions
        • p_dropout_model: float, the dropout rate for latents
        • p_dropout_attention_map: float, the dropattention rate
        • p_droppath: float, the droppath rate
        • nhead: int, the number of attention head
        • n_sampled_token: int, the number of sampled tokens
        • temperature: float, the temperature of Gumbel Softmax/Sigmoid
        • hard: bool, whether to use hard/soft sampling
        • output_key: str = 'x', where in the dictionary the output tensor should be saved to, default: 'x'
      • Experiment: HSTRANS,d_model,d_attention,d_feedforward,p_dropout_model,p_dropout_attention_map,p_droppath,nhead,n_sampled_token,temperature,hard
    • DSZRC Layer ( Differentiable Soft/Hard Token Sampler with Importance Scoring:

      • Init:
        • nhead: int, the number of attention heads. Each head operates independently and learns its own set of importance scores and token subsets.
        • n_sampled_token: int, the number of tokens to sample from the input based on their importance scores.
        • n_dimension_x: int, the dimension of the input feature vectors.
        • n_dimension_qk: int, the dimension of the query/key vectors used in the attention mechanism.
        • temperature: float, the temperature used in the Gumbel Softmax/Sigmoid for controlling the sharpness of the sampling process.
        • hard: bool, if set to True, the layer will use hard sampling (discrete choices with the HardChooseDenseGrad function). If False, it uses soft sampling (probabilistic choices with the SoftChooseDenseGrad function).
      • Forward:
        • x: Tensor, the input tensor with shape (batch_size, sequence_length, n_dimension_x).
        • q: Tensor, the query tensor with shape (batch_size, nhead, sequence_length, n_dimension_qk // nhead).
        • mask: Tensor, an optional mask tensor with shape (batch_size, sequence_length) that can be used to ignore certain tokens during the importance scoring.
        • Returns: A tensor of the same shape as the input q but with a subset of tokens selected based on their importance scores.
      • Backward:
        • Custom gradients are computed using either soft or hard choices, depending on the hard flag. The gradients with respect to the importance scores and token representations are carefully managed to ensure the model can learn effectively from sampled tokens.
    • To implement new modules:

      • Type: |from import module_name_dict| in your .py file in the layer folder
      • Implement your module there, remember to add |**kwargs| in your forward function
      • Type: |module_name_dict["<your_module_name>"] = |
      • Go to file in layer folder, type |from . import *|
      • Then, your newly class is registered
  • The module is defined by a list of string, for example:

  • The above architecture is equivalent to:

    • Input -Linear> x,
    • e <\SAVE- x,
    • x -HSTRANS> z
    • x -HSTRANS> y
    • x -MERGE> x + z -HSTRANS> x -MERGE> x + y -HSTRANS> x -MERGE> x + e -LINEAR> x
  • In the future, we will implement in yaml format

Run Experiments

  • To create an experiment, create a folder with the name of the experiment, a settings.txt (this will be replaced with .yaml in the future), and an empty checkpoints folder
  • To run experiment, create an experiment instance and use the method |.run_experiment()|
  • To load experiment, create an experiment instance and use the method |.load_experiment()|. This loads the experiment to its latest checkpoint.
  • Example:
from src.train_eval.experiment import *

exp = LRAExperiment(your_experiment_name, your_device) # your device ~ 'cuda:0'
  • The Experiments for our preprint is provided in experiments folder; you can run it or modify at will
  • To load the latest state (in case your model crash), use create a new experiment object then use the load experiment method
from src.train_eval.experiment import *

exp = LRAExperiment(your_experiment_name, your_device)
  • Validation and Test curves are objects in the Experiment data structure, |exp.val_curve|. They are list of Python dictionary of metrics.

Experiment Results


Please cite our work if you find it useful

      title={SAMSA: Efficient Transformer for Many Data Modalities}, 
      author={Minh Lenhat and Viet Anh Nguyen and Khoa Nguyen and Duong Duc Hieu and Dao Huu Hung and Truong Son Hy},
  title={Sampling Foundational Transformer: A Theoretical Perspective},
  author={Nguyen, Viet Anh and Lenhat, Minh and Nguyen, Khoa and Hieu, Duong Duc and Hung, Dao Huu and Hy, Truong Son},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.05822},