For Mac OS X app for upload your screen on multiple image hosting (chevereto, imgur, zupmage, noelshack).
- nodejs (> 0.11 )
Installing nodejs with nvm
curl -o- | bash
nvm install 0.12 #nvm ls-remote to see available versions
nvm alias default 0.12
npm i pm2 -g
pm2 install upload-screenshot
You has the settings in settings.json Your images is uploaded on without API key. Change your screen directory on setting.js by default is /Users/hydrog3n/Pictures
cd ~/.pm2/node_modules/upload-screenshot
cp settings.js.default settings.js
vim settings.js
pm2 restart upload-screenshot
I test my app on Mac OS X (10.10.4). Please if you use an others OS add a new issue with your OS.