This repository is a wrapper for well-known feature extractor, ORB, to make it use of 16-bit image.
Unlike normal RGB 8-bit image, TIR (Thermal-Infrared) image contains 14-bit information.
It has been a practice to convert (normalize) TIR image into 8-bit, and then apply traditional 8-bit feature extractor to it.
But we argue that it can be better to detect and describe features from raw 14-bit image.
Advantages of using raw 14-bit image is ...
- preserve raw intensity information
- make image irrelevent to the normalization method
- detect more features
We provide ready-to-use C++ and Python interface. Most of the code is from official OpenCV, and we slightly changed the part of them.
Clone and build the repository.
git clone && cd ORB16
git submodule update --init --recursive
# build
mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make
# test
# build
pip install -e .
# test
python python/