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ImguiGML is already fairly easy, but there are certain tasks that are commonplace, and may have to be done repeatedly in a single project. This wrapper provides injection points for the menubar, individual windows and modals, simple preferences that persist between runs, and several convenience features. Most features are accessed through imgui_wrapper and includes the following domains:

imgui_wrapper.menubar -> Used to add new menus to the menu bar.

  • add( name, function ) -> adds a new item to the menubar
  • remove( name ) -> removes an existing item from the menubar

imgui_wrapper.window -> Used to open/close new windows.

  • open( name, function ) -> opens a new window
  • close( name ) -> closes the specified window
  • invert( id, function ) -> opens or closes the window depending on its current state.
  • get_ref( id ) -> returns the menu struct reference, or undefined if it is closed.
  • is_open( name ) -> returns true if the named window is open

imgui_wrapper.popup -> Pre-built popups.

  • confirm( name, text, yes, no ) -> Creates a "yes/no" style confirmation modal.

imgui_wrapper.inspector -> Used to modify the inspector.

  • set_default( index, variables... ) -> Adds the default variables to the given object index.

imgui_wrapper.mouse -> Contains the mouse state against imgui inputs, will be false if imgui is using the mouse.

  • left -> returns the state of the left mouse button
  • right -> returns the state of the right mouse button

imgui_wrapper.settings -> For reading and writing savable variables.

  • read( name, default, tooltip ) -> Reads the given value and sets up the value in the settings menu.
  • set( name, value ) -> Sets the given value.
  • on_change( name, function ) -> Runs the given function when the setting changes. -> A simple way to set up filterable search terms.

  • filter( array, kwargs ) -> Creates a search bar which will filter the given list, returns the filtered list.
  • reset( name ) -> If multiple search bars are being used, name will specify which one to reset.