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flamey from studio ghilbi First time Practice Contributions! flamey from studio ghilbi

hot coffee


Welcome to Your First GitHub Contribution!

This repository is the perfect starting point for those new to coding or open-source contribution. Here, you'll get hands-on practice with the basics of GitHub collaboration - from forking and cloning a repository to pushing changes and creating pull requests.

I have prepared a set of straightforward tasks to guide you through each step of the contribution process, complete with detailed instructions. Ready to embark on your open-source journey? Fork this repository, clone it to your local system, and let's dive in!


  • Provide an introduction and overview of the repository for first-time contributors.
  • Explain the process of forking a repo, cloning it to a local machine, making changes and submitting a pull request.
  • Include simple tasks for contributors to complete with step-by-step instructions on how to submit changes.
  • Encourage contributors to fork and clone the repo and get started with making contributions.

Table of Contents

cute lazy cat gif chasing butterfly

Fork this repo

Step 1

step 1 fork this repo drown down button

  • Click on the "Fork" drop down button located in the top right corner of the page.

  • Click on the "+ Create a new fork*

Step 2

step 2 fork this repository addition

  • Click on "Create fork"

  • Once the repository has been forked, you will be taken to the forked repository's page.

  • This will be a copy of the original repository, but it will be under your account.

Clone this repo

step 1 click code then ssh then copy

  • First, lets click on the "Code" drop down button, click on "SSH" then click the "Copy Icon"

  • Then, let's go to our local machine, open the terminal, and create a new directory to put our newly cloned repo in and name it "contribute-practice"

mkdir contribute-practice
  • and cd into the directory
cd contribute-practice
  • Clone the forked repository to your local machine by typing git clone followed by the SSH link that you copied.
git clone copyoftheurlssh

Create a branch

  • Now let's create a new branch through the terminal using the git switch BranchName.

Replace BranchName with the name of the new branch you want to create.

For example:

git switch -c branchTest

Contribution time!

  • Open the file, you can use a text editor of your choice, for example, nano or vi I personally use vs code, so I would type:
code .
  • Follow the directions under the, and once you've finished, do the same process for (so that your username and quotes are displayed in both files)

  • Now lets commit your changes!

  • Remember the order for git best practices!
    git status >> git add (files changed) >> git commit -m "insert short description of changes made" >> git push


git status

now you can see the files that were changed, now add them (In this case, it should be and

git add (files changed)

now lets commit our changes with a short description

git commit -m "Add: Added my name to list, My first contribution!"

Push the changes to your forked repository on GitHub using the command git push origin BranchName, where BranchName is the name of the branch you are working on.

git push -u origin BranchName

Making a Pull Request

Step 1

step 1 Pull request

  • Go to your forked repository on GitHub, click on "contribute" drop down, and click on "Open pull request"

Step 2

step 2 Pull request

  • Fill in the title and description of the pull request to explain the changes you made!

  • After filling out the details, click the "Create pull request" button to submit your request for review.

Great job! All done! Wasn't so bad was it?

cute studio ghilbi gif

  • Congratulations on completing the typical fork, clone, make changes, and pull request workflow commonly used by contributors. Keep up the good work and continue contributing!

  • I will get around to merging the request when I can, I am usually good about it!


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  • Deadrep (
    "In 2023, my objective is to engage in open source projects and make connections within the technology field. My goal is to also create a tailored portfolio that showcases my interests and passions with the ultimate aim of securing a job in my desired industry."


  • EddoCod3 (
    "In 2023 i want to improve my knowledge, and also learn more tech stacks, and create a first prototype of my portfolio , to show in social media."



  • Golluméo (
  • "For 2023, my goal is to be a succesful backend web developer, as well as to contribute to open source projects!"



  • Idil (
    " My goal for 2023 is to be a full-stack developer and contribute to more open source projects."

  • Israel Fitsum (
    "The one with the Year 2023,where I will contribute with open source projects!"

  • Ian Ganza( " This year I hope to have built sufficient street cred that I can show on applications and specifically I would like to contribute to a serious meaningful application"



  • Kappa0x (
    "For as long as I can remember, I have been dreaming of achieving something great. Now, I am determined to make that dream a reality before it's too late, as time is an invaluable commodity"


  • LinThitHtwe (
    "In 2024, my goal is to enhance my skills as a developer, mastering UI/UX design and gaining a deeper understanding of machine learning."





  • Peter Dinh (
    "A goal in 2023 for me would be to complete the foundation section of The Odin Project and create a lot of projects to put on my personal portfolio"

  • Pdzoc (
    "It's not exactly my first contribution, but I like the idea that this repository is like a time capsule. For this year I would like to get +100 solved tasks in certain site with coding chalenges, and trying riding."





  • TomeSprout (
    "Let's fulfill this full-time Full Stack role, full stop. Also need to get these Go apps launched and contribute to projects outside of my comfort zone. 🌱 -- Cool stuff @HyunCafe"




  • Werninger (
    "For the year 2023, my goal is to contribute to more open source projects!"

  • WitchingHr (
    "My goal in 2023 is to create a fitness tracker application using React Native and show it off to employers to help land myself a job. 1% BETTER EVERY DAY 💪"



  • YouGotHitByGunner (
    "For the year 2023, my goal is to get a job as a Software Engineer! I'll be learning every day towards that goal and make 2023 my year! Let's go!!"
    "Thank you to HyunCafe for teaching me the fundamentals of contributing to open-source projects!"