transform AST from with-(async/generator)-node to es5 compatible version, lightweight, fast, that you can use it runtime~
take notice that, estime-resync only transform AST based on estree, it will not generate code. so, estime-resync is almostly used as a mid-tool in some pre-compile (or runtime-compile) system. You can use it will acorn.js.
import {Parser} from 'acorn'
import Resync from 'estime-resync'
let ast = Parser.parse(`
async function foo(){
return await Promise.resolve(123)
// then you will get ast like this:
* {
* "type": "FunctionDeclaration",
* "start": 1,
* "end": 62,
* "id": {
* "type": "Identifier",
* "start": 16,
* "end": 19,
* "name": "foo"
* },
* "expression": false,
* "generator": false,
* "async": true,
* "body": ....
* }
// side effect: the ast is changed after call Resync.transform
* function foo() {
* return resyncRuntime.async(function foo$(_context) {
* while (1) {
* switch (_context.prev = {
* case 0:
* = 2;
* return resyncRuntime.awrap(Promise.resolve(123));
* case 2:
* return _context.abrupt("return", _context.sent);
* case 3:
* case "end":
* return _context.stop();
* }
* }
* }, null, null, null, Promise);
* }
async code cannot run on es5-runtime. so model pre-compiler transform async code to es5 version at compile time, like babel/typescript/regenerator. but babel/typescript is too large to run in runtime. this lib is armed at a small tool lib that can run in runtime.