Performs bwa alignment and pre-processing (realignment and recalibration) following GATK best practices
The whole pipeline is made up of 10 steps:
1. Alignment generating a sam file
2. Conversion to bam and sorting
3. Marking of duplicates
4. Indexing of bam
5. & 6. Local realignment around indels
7. to 10. Base quality score recalibration
Before using the pipeline, specify in your config file the paths to the following files and softwares:
genome_ref = '/appli/reference/GATK_Bundle/ucsc.hg19.fasta'
dbsnp = '/appli/reference/GATK_Bundle/dbsnp_138.hg19.vcf'
Mills_indels = '/appli/reference/GATK_Bundle/Mills_and_1000G_gold_standard.indels.hg19.sites.vcf'
ThousandG_indels = '/appli/reference/GATK_Bundle/1000G_phase1.indels.hg19.sites.vcf'
cosmic = '/appli/mutect/references/Cosmic_v73.hg19_noMT.vcf'
bwa = '/appli/bwa/bwa-0-7-12/bwa'
java17 = 'java'
picard = '/appli/picard/picard-tools-1.131/picard.jar'
gatk = '/appli/GenomeAnalysisTK/GATK-3.4-0/'
samtools = '/appli/samtools/samtools-1.2/samtools'