Nextflow demo plotting mean coverage over a series of BAM files. Two parameters are required:
: folder containing BAM files--bed
: bed file listing regions to consider to calculate coverage
git clone
Use one of the three profiles to run with docker, singularity or conda:
nextflow run iarcbioinfo/nf_coverage_demo -profile docker --bam_folder data_test/BAM/BAM_multiple/ --bed data_test/BED/TP53_exon2_11.bed
nextflow run iarcbioinfo/nf_coverage_demo -profile singularity --bam_folder data_test/BAM/BAM_multiple/ --bed data_test/BED/TP53_exon2_11.bed
nextflow run iarcbioinfo/nf_coverage_demo -profile conda --bam_folder data_test/BAM/BAM_multiple/ --bed data_test/BED/TP53_exon2_11.bed