A cli with container definitions to enable debugging applications managed by https://github.com/IBM/core-dump-handler
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This tool is still under active development but the core functionality is in place. Currently it supports nodejs, java or default lldb tools.
Ensure core-dump-handler is installed on your cluster.
Install the cli
- Download the latest build from releases https://github.com/IBM/core-dump-client/releases Rename it cdcli and place it in a folder that is in your $PATH
- Or build the client with
cargo install core-dump-client
in the core-dump-client folder. If you don't have rust installed you can get it with rustup
Ensure your
client is logged into the cluster kubectl install instructions are available here
Create a debug environment with
cdcli -c [name-of-zipfile] -i [crashed-image-name]
cdcli 36c0d272-3295-4474-a16e-00885ba04fed-dump-1631477784-crashing-app-848dc79df4-srqkv-node-8-4.zip quay.io/number9/example-crashing-nodejs-app
This will log you into a running container with lldb tools and core file info available to you.
To start a debug session in the environment runrundebug.sh
To inspect the metadata that was saved with crash ls
will list the folder container your core file and the metadata json.