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Create a Map Server with MongoDB and Mongoose

In this Code Pattern, we will create a map server using MongoDB and Mongoose. The map server is a Node.js app using the mongoose framework. The map server will serve the data to generate an SVG of the map for a dashboard. The dashboard will show the booths and draw a map for the user. PDF versions will also be served for the iOS app that will generate an indoor map.

When the reader has completed this Code Pattern, they will understand how to:

  • Implement Mongoose with NodeJS
  • Serve the data with Express as REST APIs


  1. A MongoDB is set up. Compose for MongoDB is used in this pattern.
  2. User adds in mock data that matches the schema of the app.
  3. User interacts with the deployed app via its APIs

Included components

  • Compose for MongoDB: MongoDB with its powerful indexing and querying, aggregation and wide driver support, has become the go-to JSON data store for many startups and enterprises.
  • Kubernetes Cluster: Create and manage your own cloud infrastructure and use Kubernetes as your container orchestration engine.

Featured technologies

  • Mongoose: A JavaScript framework that serves as a MongoDB object modeling tool.
  • Node.js: An open-source JavaScript run-time environment for executing server-side JavaScript code.
  • Databases: Repository for storing and managing collections of data.


Create a Kubernetes cluster with either Minikube for local testing, or with IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service to deploy in cloud. The code here is regularly tested against Kubernetes Cluster from IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service using Travis.

Install Docker by following the instructions here for your preferrerd operating system. You would need docker if you want to build and use your own images.


  1. Clone the repo
  2. Create Compose for MongoDB service with IBM Cloud or deploy one in Kubernetes
  3. Build your images
  4. Configure Deployment files
  5. Deploy the application
  6. Generate Mock Data
  7. Perform API Requests

1. Clone the repo

Clone the kubernetes-mongoose locally. In a terminal, run:

$ git clone

2. Create Compose for MongoDB service with IBM Cloud or deploy one in Kubernetes

Create the following service:

Or deploy it in your Kubernetes cluster:

$ kubectl apply -f manifests/mongo.yaml

3. Build your images (optional)

You can choose to build your own images, or use the default one in the manifests/map-api.yaml.

$ cd containers/map-api
$ docker build -t <docker-username>/map-api:1.0 .
$ docker push <docker-username>/map-api:1.0

4. Configure Deployment files

  • Get the MongoDB URL for your Compose for MongoDB.

  • Create a Secret with your own MongoDB URL. This secret will be used by the Pod in manifests/map-api.yaml
kubectl create secret generic mongodb-url --from-literal=MONGODB_URL="<YOUR_MONGODB_URL>"
  • If you have built your own images in Step 3, change the image name anthonyamanse/map-api:3.0 in manifests/map-api.yaml to your own.

5. Deploy the application

  • Create the Deployment and service resource for the application.
$ kubectl apply -f manifests/map-api.yaml
  • To check if the Pods are deployed and running.
$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                       READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
map-api-deployment-4132200164-k5s3c        1/1       Running   0          1m
  • To access your application, you would need the Public IP of your cluster's worker and the NodePort of the Service resource of your application.
$ bx cs workers <cluster-name>
ID                                                 Public IP      Private IP       Machine Type   State    Status   Version
kube-dal10-crbbdb1ff6a36846e9b2dfb522a07005af-w1   169.60.XX.XX   b1c.16x64      normal   Ready    1.7.4_1502*

$ kubectl get svc map-api
map-api   169.46.YY.YY   80:31873/TCP   7d

Access the application on: 169.60.XX.XX:31873

Note: or if you have a load balancer, use the IP found in EXTERNAL-IP via kubectl get svc: 169.46.YY.YY

6. Generate Mock Data

You'll notice that if you go to the Stored Events link in the app (or go to 169.60.XX.XX:31873/main), you would not find any Events. That is because we haven't added anything to our database yet.

Generate mock data with the script. This script should do curl commands to your app. The mock data contains a set of data that you'd usually find in a map. The map setting is for a conference.

$ ./ http://169.60.XX.XX:31873

You should see some output that should say Saved beacon... etc.

  • Go back to your browser and view the dashboard again. 169.60.XX.XX:31873/main. You should now see Think and Index events.
  • You can click on the event to view their floorplan.

7. Perform API Requests

APIs for this application is listed in the front page 169.60.XX.XX:31873.

You could test some of them using a terminal:

$ curl http://169.60.XX.XX:31873/beacons
<This should return a list of the beacons stored in MongoDB>

$ curl http://169.60.XX.XX:31873/booths
<This should return a list of the booths stored in MongoDB>

$ curl http://169.60.XX.XX:31873/events
<This should return a list of events stored in MongoDB>

To get an SVG or PDF of the floor plan of an event: http://169.60.XX.XX:31873/svg/<:eventId> add .pdf if you want a PDF version.

  • http://169.60.XX.XX:31873/svg/index SVG
  • http://169.60.XX.XX:31873/svg/think.pdf PDF

Learn more


This code pattern is licensed under the Apache Software License, Version 2. Separate third party code objects invoked within this code pattern are licensed by their respective providers pursuant to their own separate licenses. Contributions are subject to the Developer Certificate of Origin, Version 1.1 (DCO) and the Apache Software License, Version 2.

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