Power Device Plugin adds protected devices into a non-privileged container. The Power Device Plugin uses the Kubernetes Device Plugin in order to add specific devices to the given Pod.
The Power Device Plugin is a generic solution. The term Power refer to the IBM Power Systems where this solution was first created. The image is available for amd64, s390x and ppc64le.
The device plugin only installs on the workers.
- To deploy the device plugin using kustomize:
# kustomize build manifests/ | oc apply -f -
- Create the resources directly:
oc apply -f manifests/00-project.yaml
oc apply -f manifests/01-sa.yaml
oc apply -f manifests/02-rbac.yaml
oc apply -f manifests/03-daemonset.yaml
These resources need to be created by a user with ClusterAdmin privileges.
The device plugin only uninstalls from the workers.
- To undeploy the device plugin using kustomize:
# kustomize build manifests/ | oc delete -f -
- Create the resources directly:
oc delete -f manifests/00-project.yaml
oc delete -f manifests/01-sa.yaml
oc delete -f manifests/02-rbac.yaml
oc delete -f manifests/03-daemonset.yaml
These resources need to be created by a user with ClusterAdmin privileges.
To debug the running plugin, you can use:
Thse are commented out in the DaemonSet.
You can check the kubelet behavior using:
# journalctl -u kubelet
7446 handler.go:95] "Registered client" name="power-dev-plugin/dev"
wrapper[7446]: I1219 04:32:20.722778 7446 manager.go:230] "Device plugin connected" resourceName="power-dev-plugin/dev"
wrapper[7446]: I1219 04:32:20.723559 7446 client.go:93] "State pushed for device plugin" resource="power-dev-plugin/dev" re>
wrapper[7446]: I1219 04:32:20.726284 7446 manager.go:279] "Processed device updates for resource" resourceName="power-dev-p>
wrapper[7446]: I1219 04:32:27.293908 7446 setters.go:333] "Updated capacity for device plugin" plugin="power-dev-plugin/dev>
To debug the socket connection:
- Connect to the worker
ssh core@worker-0
- Change to Root
sudo -s
- Check the socket is live
nc -U /var/lib/kubelet/device-plugins/power-dev.csi.ibm.com-reg.sock
In practice, the plugin only used around 1m core, and 18mi memory as shown below:
[root@bastion ~]# oc adm top pods -n power-device-plugin
NAME CPU(cores) MEMORY(bytes)
power-dev-mutate-c7f8b4689-rfhhf 1m 18Mi
power-device-plugin-2fsdv 1m 20Mi
power-device-plugin-jwqmm 1m 20Mi
power-device-plugin-mkpbv 1m 21Mi
power-device-plugin-pp4vw 1m 19Mi
power-device-plugin-x9szk 1m 21Mi
power-device-plugin-zkxkz 1m 20Mi
- To deploy the sample:
kustomize build examples | oc apply -f -
The build includes multiple architectures: linux/amd64
, linux/ppc64le
, linux/s390x
The build uses the ubi9/ubi:9.4 image.
Jan 01 16:25:32 worker-0 kubenswrapper[36781]: E0117 16:25:32.788348 36781 client.go:90] "ListAndWatch ended unexpectedly for device plugin" err="rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = error reading from server: EOF" resource="power-dev-plugin/dev"
indicates a problem with the socket and you'll want to enable logging per Editing kubelet log level verbosity and gathering logs
Command is...
echo -e "[Service]\nEnvironment=\"KUBELET_LOG_LEVEL=8\"" > /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/30-logging.conf
You should see why it's failing there.
# oc describe nodes | grep power-dev-pl
power-dev-plugin/dev: 742
power-dev-plugin/dev: 742
power-dev-plugin/dev 0 0
power-dev-plugin/dev: 742
power-dev-plugin/dev: 742
power-dev-plugin/dev 1 1
power-dev-plugin/dev: 928
power-dev-plugin/dev: 928
power-dev-plugin/dev 0 0
power-dev-plugin/dev: 928
power-dev-plugin/dev: 928
power-dev-plugin/dev 0 0
power-dev-plugin/dev: 928
power-dev-plugin/dev: 928
power-dev-plugin/dev 0 0
power-dev-plugin/dev: 0
power-dev-plugin/dev: 0
power-dev-plugin/dev 0 0
power-dev-plugin/dev: 928
power-dev-plugin/dev: 928
power-dev-plugin/dev 0 0
- https://github.com/intel/intel-device-plugins-for-kubernetes/blob/main/pkg/deviceplugin/manager.go#L96
- https://github.com/kairen/simple-device-plugin/tree/master
- https://github.com/kubernetes/kubelet/tree/master/pkg/apis/deviceplugin/v1beta1
- https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/extend-kubernetes/compute-storage-net/device-plugins/#examples
- https://github.com/k8stopologyawareschedwg/sample-device-plugin/blob/main/pkg/deviceplugin/deviceplugin.go