Starter applications for IBM Streams cybersecurity toolkit
- These sample applications are compatible with Streams 4.3 and later.
- Requires version [3.0.0,4.0.0) of the toolkit
You can build and run the samples with local Streams or with Streams in Cloud Pak for Data.
For Streams 4.3 and toolkit version 2.x use version 2.0 of the samples.
For Streams 4.2 use version 1.0 of the samples.
- Download or clone the git repository to your system
- Each application comes with a build.xml that will compile the application using local Streams
- For the BWListTaggerSamples, DomainProfilingSamples, DNSTunnelingSamples and HostProfilingSamples application, run
orant -Dcybersecurity.toolkit=<path_to_cybersecurity_toolkit>
- For the PredictiveBlocklistingSamples application, run
ant -Dspss.toolkit=<path_to_spss_toolkit>
orant -Dspss.toolkit=<path_to_spss_toolkit> -Dcybersecurity.toolkit=<path_to_cybersecurity_toolkit>
- Submit the job! (the *.sab file can be found in the
To launch the samples (BWListTaggerSamples, DomainProfilingSamples, DNSTunnelingSamples, HostProfilingSamples) using streamsx command line tools to a remote Streams instance (Cloud Pak for Data),
run ant buildAndSubmitRemote
For information on how to get started with the cybersecurity toolkit, see the following link:
To learn more about Streams: