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One Stop Solution for all boilerplate needs!

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Templa-rs is a one-of-a-kind TUI tool written in Rust, which helps you generate boilerplate templates for various types of projects and architectures in a matter of seconds!



  1. Download templa-rs here
  2. Run templa-rs
  3. Find the boilerplate you want
  4. Press [ENTER] to select it
  5. Start Coding

You can exit the program at any time using Ctrl+C

Running templa-rs


If you only wish to use Live Search you can run templa-rs on Windows by simply double clicking the exe file. If you wish to use CLI queries:

  1. Open a Terminal Window in the directory that the executable is in
  2. Run ./templa-rs.exe [OPTIONS]

Linux and macOS

  1. Open a Terminal window in the directory that templa-rs is in
  2. Run tar -zxvf {templa-file-name}.tar.gz
  3. Then run ./templa-rs [OPTIONS]


Live Search

Live Search is a tool that lets you narrow down your search for the boilerplate you need, while also remaining inside the TUI at all times saving you time.

Live Search Features:

  • One way to use Live Search is to simply type a search term such as php, this will then show you all the boilerplates with php in their name
  • TAG: Tag allows you to search each boilerplate for a specific catagory of boilerplates (e.g. TAG:backend), using multiple tags may narrow down your search further

More methods to narrow down your search may be coming in the future so keep your eyes out!

Command Line Queries

You can also use queries directly from the command line to refine your search:


Template Preview

The Template Preview will show you a tree of the files that will be created when loading the boilerplate.


Built With

Landing Page

This is the design of the Landing Page website. It is not yet developed, if interested in developing this website, please contribute to issue#54.


Link to the design: Figma File

Getting Started Contributing

Got a great new feature or a boilerplate you want to add? Why not contribute to the project:

  1. Fork it.
  2. Clone your forked repo and move inside it:
git clone{your-username}/templa-rs.git && cd templa-rs
  1. Checkout to a new branch to work on an issue:
git checkout -b my-amazing-feature
  1. Run It Locally
cargo run
  1. Once you're all done coding, it's time to open a PR :) Run the following commands from the root of the project directory:
git add .
git commit -m "A short description about the feature."
git push origin <my-amazing-feature>

Open your forked repo in your browser and then raise a PR to the master branch of this repository!


To start contributing, check out New contributors are always welcome to support this project. If you want something gentle to start with, check out issues labelled as difficulty-easy or good-first-issue. Check out issues labelled as hacktoberfest if you are up for some grabs! :)


This project is licensed under MIT.