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IGB Core Facilities Instrument Tracking

Build Status

  • Web interface to schedule, track, and bill instrument usage by tracking user logins and session times.


  • Instrument scheduling (Using the Full Calendar plugin) ...Users can reserve time on instruments and keep track of their own reservations
  • Permissions (Pages,Instrument Schedules) ...Allow or deny access to instruments by roles, groups, or individual users
  • Active Directory Integration / LDAP (easily modified) ...Users log in with their existing LDAP/AD credentials
  • User Groups ...Users can be organized in groups. Group supervisors can monitor billing for the users in their group.
  • View which devices are in use and by whom
  • Dynamic Usage Statistics (Pie Charts/Graphs)
  • Rate Groups ...Different user groups can be assigned different billing rates.
  • Rate Types Continuous/Monthly ...Users can be billed for the time they use (in minutes), or on a monthly basis.
  • Individual Billing ...Users can view their own bills. Group supervisors can view the bill of anyone in their group. Admins can view and edit all bills.
  • Facility Billing ...Admins can view all billing events within a period of time, filter by name, netid, instrument, or group, and export to spreadsheet.
  • News Page
  • Used with to retrieve logged in users on Window Machines


  • Apache
  • PHP 7.2 or higher
  • PHP ldap module
  • PHP json module
  • PHP pdo module
  • PHP mysqlnd module
  • MySQL/MariaDB >= 5.5
  • PHP Composer


git clone
  • Create mysql database
  • Create mysql user with insert,update,select,delete privileges on the database
GRANT SELECT,INSERT,DELETE,UPDATE ON corebilling.* to 'corebilling'@'localhost';
  • Import database structure
mysql -u root -p corebilling < sql/corebilling.sql
  • Add initial Admin User
INSERT INTO users(user_name,user_role_id) VALUES('<USERNAME>',1);
  • Add apache config to point to html directory
Alias /corebilling /var/www/corebilling/html
<Directory /var/www/corebilling/html>
	Allowoverride All
	Require all granted
  • Copy html/includes/config.default.php to html/includes/config.php
cp html/includes/config.default.php html/includes/config.php
  • Edit html/includes/config.php for your setup
  • If enabling log file, set permissions on the log folder for the apache user to read/write.
chown apache.apache log
  • Enable log rotation by copying conf/log_rotate.conf.dist to /etc/logrotate.d/corebilling. Adjust the log folder in the file
cp conf/log_rotate.conf.dist /etc/logrotate.d/corebilling
  • Install composer packages
composer install
  • To Enable creation of data folders, need to allow apache user have sudo to a local user. This local user needs to have ssh access to the data storage machine.
  • An example sudoers file is at conf/www/sudoer_www.dist. This can be placed in /etc/sudoers.d/
  • Change the paths to the install location of Core Billing
Cmnd_Alias COREAPP = /var/www/corebilling/bin/ /var/www/corebilling/bin/
apache localhost = (coreapp) NOPASSWD: COREAPP
Defaults:apache !requiretty

  • On The data storage machine, create a local user
  • An example sudoers files is at conf/data_sudoers.dist. This can be placed in /etc/sudoers.d/
Cmnd_Alias COREAPP = /var/www/corebilling/bin/ /var/www/corebilling/bin/
coreapp localhost=(root) NOPASSWD: COREAPP
  • Create ssh keys between your web server and data storage machine.
  • To enable calculation of data usage, copy the example /conf/cron.dist to /etc/cron.d/corebilling and edit the paths in the file
cp /var/www/corebilling/etc/cron.dist /etc/cron.d/corebilling
  • Done