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Trying to get depth buffer and motion vectors from redering in Unity 2019.3

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Extracting Depth and Motion Vectors from Unity at runtime.



Original View

Downscaled depth

Downscaled Depth

Downscaled motion vectors

Downscaled 2D Motion Vectors


To do

A) IO and plug-in considerations

  • Look for alternatives to Replaced Shaders with our constraints.
  • Automatically save each type of RenderTextures inside folders.

B) Shader Replacement

  • Use Unity ML toolkit.

C) Render Piplines considerations

  • Support Legacy Render Pipleline.
  • Support Universal Render Pipleline.
  • Support High-Definition Render Pipleline.
  • Support any other Scriptable Render Pipleline.

Known issues

  • Using a low sampling step causes the rendering to skip frames, so that one cannot actually use this to capture consecutive frames.
  • Does not support Scritables Render Piplelines (including URP and HDRP).


  • Default depth texture mode in Unity does not render some objects.1

    • whose material's shader has no shader caster pass. (might be an issue)
    • not opaque (render queue > 2500)
  • The depth texture we use should have transparent objects in it.

    • The depth component is used in the network as a classifier:
      • closer objects are upscaled in finer details than farther ones.
      • if an object's fragment crosses another object's in camera space, it is the closer one which should rendered. When rendering a frame full-scale, this is taken care of by the rendering back-end. However, in our case the overlap information will be partial in a lower-sampled image, so we need to be able to resolve it in the upscaled output.
    • Therefore, even transparent object should be rendered in this texture because they hold the detail (and in a lesser extend, occlusion) information the network needs.
  • We should disable the Dynamic Scaling option on Render Textures. [^2]

    • It will cause the texture's resolution to be lowered when GPU-bound.
    • As such, the texture dimension will be no longer be input-compatible with the network.
    • In fact, we could then upscale the texture, but it would defeat the original purpose, and in our case significantly deteriorate the Networks' upscaling, because it heavily relies on accurate Depth map, Motion Vectors etc.
  • Same thing about mipmapping the texture -> harmful

Our options

A) Full render pass with replaced shaders. 2

  • We can choose to render objects according to 'RenderType' tags.
    • This tag is set for all default shaders in Unity, however it might be missing in user-created ones.
      • Running on the assumption that the user-defined shaders do not generally defined such tags, the rule we make should exclude the few unwanted objects rather than include a large list of wanted ones.
      • So far, I can only think of Background (skyboxes).

B) Blit with Command Buffers.

  • That's what I'm trying until now.


  • Regarding Legacy, and Universal Render Pipelines I found a document listing all the features that were missing and / or planned from URP around 2018, it's still helpful. 3

  • Should effects be predicted using the network?

    • Depends, I think some effects are just textures placed in the 3D environment and oriented so that they face the camera, so those we would scale beforehand.
    • In any case, I think it's not worth it. it would be more accurate to have a second network trained and specialised in upscaling particle effects. It would however be twice as long to render.
  • We should not predict SDF-rendered text object, they have a built-in scaling thing going on, it's precisely what makes them useful.

  • UI might likewise be predicted by a specialised network. But if we use the same, their depth value will be the max depth value






Trying to get depth buffer and motion vectors from redering in Unity 2019.3






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