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New version v1.4.0

New version v1.4.0 #16

Workflow file for this run

# If you are copying markdown docs, use this workflow
# Replace env variables with values pertaining to your repo
# After the first successful action run, you'll want to check
# on the read-us repository to ensure everything went smoothly
# Note 1: If your repository does not have an access token secret,
# you'll need to create one. This is necessary to pull/push from/to
# the private read-us repo. Call it GH_READ_US_PAT
# Note 2: Only markdown files will be copied from your ./docs folder (if it exists).
# If there are nested folders inside, they will not be copied to the read-us repo
name: copy_markdown
# Controls when the workflow will run
# Triggers the workflow on pushed tags
- "[vV][0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+"
# Where is your markdown stored? This is often "./this_repo/docs"
DOCS_PATH: ./this_repo/docs
# Where is your main readme stored and what is it called? Do not remove the "this_repo" part of the path.
README_PATH: ./this_repo/
# This name will show up in the read-us static site
# This should be left at default to keep the versioning working correctly (Needs to change for patch version aggregation: eg 0.0.x)
VERSION: ${{ github.ref_name }}
# Leave these as is (defines which read-us repo to use and where the markdown is stored in read-us repo)
MD_PATH: ./read-us/docs/md
# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
# This workflow contains a single job called "copyMarkdown"
# The type of runner that the job will run on
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
# This repo is checked out alongside the 'read-us' repo
# Checks-out your repository at the given path
- name: checkout_this
uses: actions/checkout@v3
path: this_repo
lfs: true
# We now check out the second repository
# - Is checked out at the given path
# - Checks out the repo at the given ref
- name: checkout_readus
uses: actions/checkout@v3
repository: ${{ env.DOCS_REPO }}
path: read-us
token: ${{ secrets.GH_READ_US_PAT }}
lfs: true
- name: create_dummy_folder
run: |
mkdir -p $MD_PATH/"$REPO_NAME"/$VERSION || echo "folder already exists"
# Copy over the docs/ folder if it exists. Copy the main readme file (this needs to exist or the action will fail)
- name: copy_markdown
run: |
[ -d "$DOCS_PATH" ] && echo "Docs folder exists" && cp -R $DOCS_PATH/* $MD_PATH/"$REPO_NAME"/$VERSION || echo "docs folder does not exist"
- name: push_docs
run: |
cd read-us
git config --global "docs_action"
git config --global ""
git add . && git commit -m "update $REPO_NAME docs to $VERSION" && git push || echo "Docs have not changed"