Users can exchange - sell or buy tickets for any events. Ideally a bsaic clone of StubHub.
- Microservices based application with asynchronous communications architecture.
minikube start
minikube addons enable ingress
Know your minikube node IP using following command
minikube ip minikube
Now add open /etc/hosts
file and append new host as (filename or path may differ as per your OS)
You can replace
hostname of your choice, just need to update the ingress service config host name here.
git clone && cd gittix-ticketing-app
Make sure you use the correct namespace, refer this
kubectl create secret generic jwt-secret --from-literal=JWT_KEY=asdf -n gittix
kubectl create secret generic stripe-secret --from-literal=STRIPE_SECRET_KEY=sk_test_key -n gittix
Skaffold will build the Docker image for each service and apply the deployments.
skaffold dev
After success logs for each service you can visit the gittix client app on
NOTE: You may get warning propmt on browser for untrusted certificate, to bypass on chrome you can click on site anywhere and type THISISUNSAFE