A ternary search trie implementation in TypeScript.
You can install the package via npm or yarn.
npm install ternary-search-trie
yarn add ternary-search-trie
Represents a ternary search trie.
import { Trie } from 'ternary-search-trie';
interface Value {
data: string;
const trie = new Trie<Value>();
Returns true if the tree contains any nodes, otherwise false.
//=> true
Gets the size of the tree in terms of the number of nodes present within the tree.
//=> 0
set(key: string, value: Value): Trie<Value>
Adds the specified key/value pair to the tree.
const value = { data: 'test' };
trie.set('data', value);
get(key: string): Value | null
Returns the value of the node with the specified key.
const value = { data: 'test' };
trie.set('data', value);
//=> { data: 'test' }
del(key: string): Trie<Value>
Deletes the node with the specified key.
const value = { data: 'test' };
trie.set('data', value);
//=> { data: 'test' }
//=> null;
contains(key: string): boolean
Checks if a node with the specified key exists in the tree.
//=> false
keys(): string[]
Returns an array of all keys present in the tree.
const value = { data: 'test' };
trie.set('foo', value);
trie.set('bar', value);
trie.set('baz', value);
//=> [ 'bar', 'baz', 'foo' ]
keysWithPrefix(prefix: string): string[]
Returns all keys present in the tree that begin with the specified prefix.
const value = { data: 'test' };
trie.set('foo', value);
trie.set('bar', value);
trie.set('baz', value);
//=> [ 'bar', 'baz' ]
searchWithPrefix(prefix: string, callback: (key: string, value: Value) => void): void;
Executes the specified callback at each node in the tree whose key begins with the specified prefix.
const value = { data: 'test' };
trie.set('foo', value);
trie.set('bar', value);
trie.set('baz', value);
trie.searchWithPrefix('ba', (key, value) => console.log({ key, value }));
//=> { key: 'bar', value: { data: 'test' } }
//=> { key: 'baz', value: { data: 'test' } }
dfs(callback: (key: string, value: Value | null) => void): void;
Performs a depth-first search of the tree beginning from the root node. Executes the specified callback at each visited node.
const value = { data: 'test' };
trie.set('foo', value);
trie.dfs((key, value) => console.log({ key, value }));
//=> { key: 'f', value: null }
//=> { key: 'o', value: null }
//=> { key: 'o', value: { data: 'test' } }
Returns the tree as a string.
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This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
- This project was heavily inspired by work done by @jakwings on node-ternary-search-trie. This project differs in that it is written in TypeScript and chose to implement the underlying functionality of the tree by making heavy use of recursion instead of loops.