Jack McGrath
Helen Vincent
Nicholas Challinor
Renee Braddock
Ethan Goh
Find the most convenient path from Silo Park to Business School
- Do we have to use only roads?
- Is it the Univeristy of Auckland?
- Is convenient fastest or easiest?
- Can you work backwards to solve the problem?
- Can we draw a diagram or a map to solve the problem?
- Can we act it out and walk and time it ourselves?
- Time the routes
- Measure the different distances
- Making sure the strategy works every time and is consistent
- Making sure we have found the most convenient/efficient route
Given three integer values, display them in ascending order
- What is an integer?
- Are these numbers negative?
- What is ascending?
- Use the divide and conquer algorithm strategy to recursively break down the problem into smaller problems and sort the numbers
- Select an appropriate algorithm
- Write a program that executes the selected strategy
- Are the integers actually in ascending order?
- Was this the most efficient strategy we could have used or was there one better suited to the problem?