GNU GCC Template project for XHSC HC32L110
├── Apps # Separate projects
│ └── NRF24Tester # NRF24L01 TX/RX Tester
├── Build # Build results
├── Examples # Example code
├── Libraries
│ ├── CMSIS
│ │ ├── hc32l110.h # HC32L110 hardware register definitions
│ │ ├── startup_hc32l110.c # Startup code
│ │ ├── system_hc32l110.c
│ │ └── system_hc32l110.h
│ ├── Debug # Printf support
│ ├── HC32L110_Driver # MCU peripheral driver
│ │ ├── inc
│ │ └── src
│ └── LDScripts # Link description scripts
├── Misc
│ ├── Flash_Algorithms # Flash algorithm files
│ ├── flash.jlink # JLink download commander script
│ ├── HC32L110.svd # CMSIS System View Description file for debug
│ ├── HDSC.HC32L110.1.0.3.pack
│ ├── JLinkDevicesAddon.xml # Device addon for JLinkDevices.xml
│ └── pyocd.yaml # PyOCD configuration file
├── Makefile # Make config
├── # Pre-defined rules include in Makefile
└── User # User application code
- Board using HC32L110 serial MCU
- 16K Flash / 2K RAM: HC32L110C4UA, HC32L110C4PA, HC32L110B4PA;
- 32K Flash / 4k RAM: HC32L110C6UA, HC32L110C6PA, HC32L110B6PA, HC32L110B6YA;
- Programmer
- J-Link: J-Link OB programmer
- or PyOCD: DAPLink or J-Link
- SEGGER J-Link Software and Documentation pack
- Or PyOCD
- GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain
Download the toolchain from Arm GNU Toolchain Downloads according to your pc architecture, extract the files
tar xvf gcc-arm-11.2-2022.02-x86_64-arm-none-eabi.tar.xz
cd /opt/gcc-arm/
sudo mv ~/Backup/linux/gcc-arm-11.2-2022.02-x86_64-arm-none-eabi/ .
sudo chown -R root:root gcc-arm-11.2-2022.02-x86_64-arm-none-eabi/
Download and install JLink from J-Link / J-Trace Downloads.
If you download the DEB installer
# The default installation directory is */opt/SEGGER*
sudo dpkg -i JLink_Linux_V784f_x86_64.deb
If you download the TGZ archive
sudo tar xvf JLink_Linux_V784f_x86_64.tgz -C [target folder]
Copy [Project directory]/Misc/Flash/JLinkDevices to [User home]/.config/SEGGER/
cd hc32l110-template
cp -r Misc/Flash/JLinkDevices/ ~/.config/SEGGER/
Read more:
Install from pip instead of apt repository because the version is 0.13.1+dfsg-1, which is too low to recognize J-Link probe
pip uninstall pyocd
This will install PyOCD into:
.profile will take care of the PATH, run source ~/.profile
to make pyocd command available
Clone this repository to local workspace
git clone
- make sure ARM_TOOCHAIN points to the correct path
- If you use J-Link, FLASH_PROGRM can be jlink or pyocd
- If you use DAPLink, set FLASH_PROGRM to pyocd
##### Project #####
PROJECT ?= app
# The path for generated files
##### Options #####
# Programmer, jlink or pyocd
##### Toolchains #######
# path to gcc arm
ARM_TOOCHAIN ?= /opt/gcc-arm/arm-gnu-toolchain-12.2.rel1-x86_64-arm-none-eabi/bin
# path to JLinkExe
JLINKEXE ?= /opt/SEGGER/JLink/JLinkExe
# JLink devices: HC32L110x4 or HC32L110x6
# path to PyOCD
PYOCD_EXE ?= pyocd
# PyOCD device type: hc32l110 hc32l110b4pa hc32l110c4pa hc32l110c4ua hc32l110b6pa hc32l110c6pa hc32l110c6ua
PYOCD_DEVICE ?= hc32l110c4ua
##### Paths ############
# Link descript file, hc32l110x4.ld or hc32l110x6.ld
LDSCRIPT = Libraries/LDScripts/hc32l110x4.ld
# clean source code
make clean
# build
# or make with verbose output
V=1 make
# flash
make flash
Replace the files in /User folder with the example files.
Run from project root path
# clean
make -C Apps/NRF24Tester clean
# make
make -C Apps/NRF24Tester
# download
make -C Apps/NRF24Tester flash
Install Cortex-Debug extension in VSCode, and setup the debug settings
"configurations": [
"name": "Cortex Debug",
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
"executable": "${workspaceFolder}/Build/app.elf",
"request": "launch",
"type": "cortex-debug",
"runToEntryPoint": "main",
"servertype": "jlink",
"device": "HC32L110X4", // HC32L110X6 for 32KB type
"interface": "swd",
"runToMain": true,
"preLaunchTask": "build download", // task name configured in tasks.json
// "preLaunchCommands": ["Build all"], // or cli command instead of task
"svdFile": "${workspaceFolder}/Misc/HC32L110.svd", // Include svd to watch device peripherals
"showDevDebugOutput": "parsed", // parsed, raw, vscode
"enabled": true,
"cpuFrequency": 24000000,
"swoFrequency": 4000000,
"source": "probe",
"label": "ITM port 0 output",
"type": "console",
"port": 0,
"showOnStartup": true,
"encoding": "ascii"
"cortex-debug.gdbPath": "/opt/gcc-arm/gcc-arm-11.2-2022.02-x86_64-arm-none-eabi/bin/arm-none-eabi-gdb",
"cortex-debug.JLinkGDBServerPath": "/opt/SEGGER/JLink/JLinkGDBServerCLExe",
Add extra compile options in,
# produce debugging information in DWARF format version 2
CFLAGS += -g -gdwarf-2
# Without optimization
OPT ?= -O0
Part of the driver has been heavily modified from its original version(HC32L110_DDL_Rev1.1.4). The interrupt callbacks are associated will vector handler table directly and part of the peripheral functions were replaced with macros for efficiency.
- Product Page: or
- Jeroen Domburg's HC32L110 SDK working with GCC/GDB/OpenOCD:
- Jeffreyabecker's hc32l110 lib (with translated user manuals):