Independent Parallel Particle Layer (IPPL) is a performance portable C++ library for Particle-Mesh methods. IPPL makes use of Kokkos (, HeFFTe (, and MPI (Message Passing Interface) to deliver a portable, massively parallel toolkit for particle-mesh methods. IPPL supports simulations in one to six dimensions, mixed precision, and asynchronous execution in different execution spaces (e.g. CPUs and GPUs).
All IPPL releases (< 3.2.0) are available under the BSD 3-clause license. Since version 3.2.0, this repository includes a modified version of the variant
header by GNU, created to support compilation under CUDA 12.2 with GCC 12.3.0. This header file is available under the same terms as the GNU Standard Library; note the GNU runtime library exception. As long as this file is not removed, IPPL is available under GNU GPL version 3.
All the new developments of IPPL are merged into the master
branch which can make it potentially unstable from time to time. So if you want a stable and more tested version
please checkout the tagged branch correspodning to the latest release (e.g. git checkout tags/IPPL-x.x.x
). Otherwise if you want the latest developments go with the master with the above caveat in mind.
- CMake
- A C++ compilation toolchain (GPU-capable for GPU builds, e.g. nvcc, clang or rocmcc)
- MPI (GPU-aware if building for GPUs)
IPPL is a CMake Project and can be configured by passing options in CMake syntax:
cmake <src_dir> -D<option>=<value>
The relevant options of IPPL are
- IPPL_PLATFORMS, can be one of
, defaultSERIAL
, default4.1.00
, defaultMASTER
- If set to
, an additional flagHeffte_COMMIT_HASH
can be set, default9eab7c0eb18e86acaccc2b5699b30e85a9e7bdda
- Currently, this is the only compatible commit of Heffte
- If set to
, defaultOFF
, defaultOFF
- If
is set,Heffte_ENABLE_CUDA
will default toON
- Otherwise,
is enabled. FFTW has to be enabled explicitly.
- If
, defaultOFF
, defaultOFF
, defaultOFF
, defaultOFF
, defaultOFF
. Can turned on for GPU builds where the use of the system-provided variant doesn't work.
Furthermore, be aware of CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE
, which can be either
for optimized buildsRelWithDebInfo
for optimized builds with debug info (default)Debug
for debug builds (with Sanitizers enabled)
Download and setup a build directory:
cd ippl
mkdir build
cd build
should be the target architecture, e.g.
We are open and welcome contributions from others. Please open an issue and a corresponding pull request in the main repository if it is a bug fix or a minor change.
For larger projects we recommend to fork the main repository and then submit a pull request from it. More information regarding github workflow for forks can be found in this page and how to submit a pull request from a fork can be found here. Please follow the coding guidelines as mentioned in this page.
You can add an upstream to be able to get all the latest changes from the master. For example, if you are working with a fork of the main repository, you can add the upstream by:
$ git remote add upstream
You can then easily pull by typing
$ git pull upstream master
All the contributions (except for bug fixes) need to be accompanied with a unit test. For more information on unit tests in IPPL please take a look at this page.
title={Scaling and performance portability of the particle-in-cell scheme for plasma physics applications
through mini-apps targeting exascale architectures},
author={Muralikrishnan, Sriramkrishnan and Frey, Matthias and Vinciguerra, Alessandro and Ligotino, Michael
and Cerfon, Antoine J and Stoyanov, Miroslav and Gayatri, Rahulkumar and Adelmann, Andreas},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 2024 SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP)},
You can use the following example job scripts to run on the local PSI computing cluster, which uses slurm. More documentation on the local cluster can be found here (need to be in the PSI network to access).
For example, to run a job on 1 MPI node, with 44 OpenMP threads:
#SBATCH --partition=hourly # Using 'hourly' will grant higher priority
#SBATCH --nodes=1 # No. of nodes
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1 # No. of MPI ranks per node. Merlin CPU nodes have 44 cores
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=44 # No. of OMP threads
#SBATCH --time=00:05:00 # Define max time job will run (e.g. here 5 mins)
#SBATCH --hint=nomultithread # Without hyperthreading
##SBATCH --exclusive # The allocations will be exclusive if turned on (remove extra hashtag to turn on)
#SBATCH --output=<output_file_name>.out # Name of output file
#SBATCH --error=<error_file_name>.err # Name of error file
export OMP_PROC_BIND=spread
export OMP_PLACES=threads
# need to pass the --cpus-per-task option to srun otherwise will not use more than 1 core per task
# (see
srun --cpus-per-task=44 ./<your_executable> <args>
For example, to run a job on 4 GPUs (max on Gwendolen is 8 GPUs, which are all on a single node):
#SBATCH --time=00:05:00 # Define max time job will run (e.g. here 5 mins)
#SBATCH --nodes=1 # No. of nodes (there is only 1 node on Gwendolen)
#SBATCH --ntasks=4 # No. of tasks (max. 8)
#SBATCH --clusters=gmerlin6 # Specify that we are running on the GPU cluster
#SBATCH --partition=gwendolen # Running on the Gwendolen partition of the GPU cluster
#SBATCH --account=gwendolen
##SBATCH --exclusive # The allocations will be exclusive if turned on (remove extra hashtag to turn on)
#SBATCH --gpus=4 # No. of GPUs (max. 8)
#SBATCH --output=<output_file_name>.out # Name of output file
#SBATCH --error=<error_file_name>.err # Name of error file
srun ./<your_executable> <args> --kokkos-map-device-id-by=mpi_rank