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[ITensors] [ENHANCEMENT] Fix directsum when specifying a single `In…
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mtfishman authored Jun 29, 2022
1 parent 7fabf97 commit 824fad3
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Showing 9 changed files with 144 additions and 42 deletions.
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions ITensorUnicodePlots/test/references/R.txt
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Expand Up @@ -3,18 +3,18 @@
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ITensorUnicodePlots/test/references/R1.txt
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Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ITensorUnicodePlots/test/references/R2.txt
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions ITensorUnicodePlots/test/references/R_tags.txt
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Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Expand All @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions ITensorUnicodePlots/test/references/tn.txt
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Expand Up @@ -3,18 +3,18 @@
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/exports.jl
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Expand Up @@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ export
# Methods
Expand All @@ -136,6 +137,7 @@ export
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111 changes: 83 additions & 28 deletions src/itensor.jl
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Expand Up @@ -2270,16 +2270,79 @@ function directsum_itensors(i::Index, j::Index, ij::Index)
return D1, D2

function check_directsum_inds(A::ITensor, I, B::ITensor, J)
a = uniqueinds(A, I)
b = uniqueinds(B, J)
if !hassameinds(a, b)
error("""In directsum, attemptying to direct sum ITensors A and B with indices:
over the indices
The indices not being direct summed must match, however they are

function _directsum(A::ITensor, I, B::ITensor, J; tags=["sum$i" for i in 1:length(I)])
N = length(I)
(N != length(J)) &&
error("In directsum(::ITensor, ::ITensor, ...), must sum equal number of indices")
check_directsum_inds(A, I, B, J)
IJ = Vector{Base.promote_eltype(I, J)}(undef, N)
for n in 1:N
In = I[n]
Jn = J[n]
In = dir(A, In) != dir(In) ? dag(In) : In
Jn = dir(B, Jn) != dir(Jn) ? dag(Jn) : Jn
IJn = directsum(In, Jn; tags=tags[n])
D1, D2 = directsum_itensors(In, Jn, IJn)
IJ[n] = IJn
A *= D1
B *= D2
C = A + B
return C => IJ

function _directsum(A::ITensor, i::Index, B::ITensor, j::Index; tags="sum")
C, (ij,) = _directsum(A, (i,), B, (j,); tags=[tags])
return C => ij

function directsum(A_and_I::Pair{ITensor}, B_and_J::Pair{ITensor}; kwargs...)
A, I = A_and_I
B, J = B_and_J
return directsum(A, B, I, J; kwargs...)
return _directsum(A_and_I..., B_and_J...; kwargs...)

function default_directsum_tags(A_and_I::Pair{ITensor})
return ["sum$i" for i in 1:length(last(A_and_I))]

function default_directsum_tags(A_and_I::Pair{ITensor,<:Index})
return "sum"

directsum(A::Pair{ITensor}, B::Pair{ITensor}, ...; tags)
Given a list of pairs of ITensors and collections of indices, perform a partial
Given a list of pairs of ITensors and indices, perform a partial
direct sum of the tensors over the specified indices. Indices that are
not specified to be summed must match between the tensors.
Expand All @@ -2301,42 +2364,34 @@ j1 = Index(4, "j1")
i2 = Index(5, "i2")
j2 = Index(6, "j2")
A1 = randomITensor(x, i1)
A2 = randomITensor(x, i2)
S, s = directsum(A1 => i1, A2 => i2)
dim(s) == dim(i1) + dim(i2)
A3 = randomITensor(x, j1)
S, s = directsum(A1 => i1, A2 => i2, A3 => j1)
dim(s) == dim(i1) + dim(i2) + dim(j1)
A1 = randomITensor(i1, x, j1)
A2 = randomITensor(x, j2, i2)
S, s = ITensors.directsum(A1 => (i1, j1), A2 => (i2, j2); tags = ["sum_i", "sum_j"])
S, s = directsum(A1 => (i1, j1), A2 => (i2, j2); tags = ["sum_i", "sum_j"])
length(s) == 2
dim(s[1]) == dim(i1) + dim(i2)
dim(s[2]) == dim(j1) + dim(j2)
function directsum(
tags=["sum$i" for i in 1:length(last(A_and_I))],
return directsum(
Pair(directsum(A_and_I, B_and_J; tags)...), C_and_K, itensor_and_inds...; tags
return directsum(directsum(A_and_I, B_and_J; tags), C_and_K, itensor_and_inds...; tags)

function directsum(A::ITensor, B::ITensor, I, J; tags)
N = length(I)
(N != length(J)) &&
error("In directsum(::ITensor, ::ITensor, ...), must sum equal number of indices")
IJ = Vector{Base.promote_eltype(I, J)}(undef, N)
for n in 1:N
In = I[n]
Jn = J[n]
In = dir(A, In) != dir(In) ? dag(In) : In
Jn = dir(B, Jn) != dir(Jn) ? dag(Jn) : Jn
IJn = directsum(In, Jn; tags=tags[n])
D1, D2 = directsum_itensors(In, Jn, IJn)
IJ[n] = IJn
A *= D1
B *= D2
C = A + B
return C, IJ
const = directsum

apply(A::ITensor, B::ITensor)
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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/physics/fermions.jl
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Expand Up @@ -79,7 +79,9 @@ according to p, then return -1. Otherwise return +1.
function compute_permfactor(p, iv_or_qn...; range=1:length(iv_or_qn))::Int
using_auto_fermion() || return 1
N = length(iv_or_qn)
oddp = @MVector zeros(Int, N)
# XXX: Bug
# oddp = @MVector zeros(Int, N)
oddp = MVector((ntuple(Returns(0), Val(N))))
n = 0
@inbounds for j in range
if fparity(iv_or_qn[p[j]]) == 1
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43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions test/itensor.jl
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Expand Up @@ -1627,6 +1627,49 @@ end

i1, i2, j, k, l = Index.((2, 3, 4, 5, 6), ("i1", "i2", "j", "k", "l"))

A = randomITensor(i1, i2, j)
B = randomITensor(i1, i2, k)
C = randomITensor(i1, i2, l)

S, s = directsum(A => j, B => k)
@test dim(s) == dim(j) + dim(k)
@test hassameinds(S, (i1, i2, s))

S, s = (A => j) (B => k)
@test dim(s) == dim(j) + dim(k)
@test hassameinds(S, (i1, i2, s))

S, s = directsum(A => j, B => k, C => l)
@test dim(s) == dim(j) + dim(k) + dim(l)
@test hassameinds(S, (i1, i2, s))

@test_throws ErrorException directsum(A => i2, B => i2)

S, (s,) = directsum(A => (j,), B => (k,))
@test s == uniqueind(S, A)
@test dim(s) == dim(j) + dim(k)
@test hassameinds(S, (i1, i2, s))

S, ss = directsum(A => (i2, j), B => (i2, k))
@test length(ss) == 2
@test dim(ss[1]) == dim(i2) + dim(i2)
@test hassameinds(S, (i1, ss...))

S, ss = directsum(A => (j,), B => (k,), C => (l,))
s = only(ss)
@test s == uniqueind(S, A)
@test dim(s) == dim(j) + dim(k) + dim(l)
@test hassameinds(S, (i1, i2, s))

S, ss = directsum(A => (i2, i1, j), B => (i1, i2, k), C => (i1, i2, l))
@test length(ss) == 3
@test dim(ss[1]) == dim(i2) + dim(i1) + dim(i1)
@test dim(ss[2]) == dim(i1) + dim(i2) + dim(i2)
@test dim(ss[3]) == dim(j) + dim(k) + dim(l)
@test hassameinds(S, ss)

@testset "ishermitian" begin
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