This project can be use as C++ library or as graphic interface, in this moment, we just use as library.
You must have OpenGL and Freeglut in your pc
Follow the next instructions
make build
the executable file is in build/Examples.
void display(){
glColor3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
Field Func("+y^2","-x"); //Call the function
Func.SetXYMaxMin(10, 10, 0.05f); //Range of x and y, and vector size
Func.SetXYVectorsQuanty(0.5, 0.2); //Number of vector into the x and y range
- f(x,y) = (x,y) write "x" or "y"
- f(x,y) = (x²,y²) write "x^2", "x*x" or "y^2", "y*y"
- f(x,y) = (x³,y³) write "x^3", "x*x*x" or "y^3", "y*y*y"
- f(x,y) = (x⁴,y⁴) write "x^4", "x*x*x*x" or "y^4", "y*y*y*y"
- write sin(...) Sine
- write cos(...) Cosine
- write tan(...) Tangent
- write csc(...) Cosecant
- write sec(...) Secant
- write ctg(...) Cotangent
- write asi(...) ArcSine
- write aco(...) ArcCosine
- write ata(...) ArcTangent
- write sih(...) Hyperbolic Sine
- write coh(...) Hyperbolic Cosine
- write tah(...) Hyperbolic Tangent
- write exp(...) Exponential base e
- write log(...) Logarithm base e
- write abs(...) Absolute value