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In this folder I put programs made by me, for fun or with the purpose of practicing the algorithms learned in classes.


  • BouncingBalls - Simulates some balls with physics. Made using C++ with SFML library. Bouncing balls print
  • CelticKnot - Solves the Celtic Knot puzzles from RuneScape. Made using C++.
  • Collatz - Analizes the Collatz conjecture. Made using python.
  • Evo - A genetic algorithm to select the best fighter circlet. Made using Python with PyGame library. Evo print
  • Exploration - Algorithms to explore math.
  • GraphicalLib - Graphical library for generating simple .pgm images. Made using C++.
  • MandelbrotSet - A Mendelbrot set image generator. Made using C++ with SFML library. Mandelbrot set print
  • Markov - A random text generator based in Markov chain. Made using Python.
  • PseudoNeural - A pseudo-neural network algorithm for identifying written characters. Made using Python with Matplotlib library. Neuron print
  • WordsOrganizer - An words organizer. Made using C.
  • RandomFractals - An algorithm for generating fractals with random-moving dots. Made using C++ with SFML library. Triangle print
  • RandomWalk - Creates a branching structure using random-walking particles. Made using Python with Matplotlib. Branching print
  • Simplex - Implementations of the simplex algorithm. Made using Python.
  • TimesTable - A times table visualizer and animator. Made using Python with Matplotlib. Table print


Some of my personal works






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