In CS50 from the Harvard University, I acquired a strong foundation in programming and gained the skills to develop my own software. This was showcased in my final project titled "Hustlers Place".
Introduction to the C programming language. Variables, data types, and basic input/output. Control structures: loops and conditionals.
Introduction to arrays and strings in C. Algorithmic problem-solving using arrays. Memory management in C.
Sorting algorithms (e.g., bubble sort, insertion sort). Searching algorithms (e.g., linear search, binary search). Big O notation and algorithmic efficiency.
More in-depth exploration of memory in C. Pointers and dynamic memory allocation. Common pitfalls related to memory.
Introduction to data structures (linked lists, stacks, queues). Implementation and usage of these data structures.
Introduction to Python programming language. Comparison of C and Python. Basics of Python syntax and data structures.
Introduction to databases and SQL. Designing and querying databases. Database normalization.
Basics of web development. HTML for content structure, CSS for styling, and JavaScript for interactivity. Introduction to the DOM (Document Object Model).
Building web applications with Flask (a Python web framework). Server-side web programming. Introduction to web security.
Students work on a substantial final project. Apply the concepts learned throughout the course. Opportunity to showcase creativity and problem-solving skills.