A gym environment to solve the Truck Scheduling Problem with hours of service. Supports additional metrics like refueling, safe parking and time windows.
Road map as a graph (static).
- Nodes: For efficiency it should only contain non-normal nodes and intersections
- type:
- normal
- parking
- station
- parking&station
- open_time: Start time of time window (minutes, 0=00:01)
- close_time: Closing time of time window (minutes, 0=00:01)
- type:
- Edges: Multiple edges between two nodes allowed only if they go in opposite directions
- length: meters between both nodes
- speed: Average speed (meters/hour) during the edge
- Nodes: For efficiency it should only contain non-normal nodes and intersections
Status (changes at each step)
current_node (int): Index of agents node
target_node (int): Index of target node
seq_t (int): Accumulated HoS in actual sequence (minutes)
day_t (int): Accumulated HoS in actual day (minutes)
week_t (int): Accumulated HoS in actual week (minutes)
fuel (int): Actual fuel in tank
max_fuel (int): Max fuel in tank
Actions [#nodes + 4]
- Select edge = next connected node to transverse
- Refuel tank iff current_node.type=station
- Rests at node iff current_node.type= (seq, day or week)
Solution: List of actions, from starting node to target node. With constraints:
- Reaching client out of time windows (Soft)
- Committing HoS infraction (Soft)
- Missing seq rest
- Missing day rest
- Missing week rest
- Moving to non-adjacent node (Hard)
- Emptying fuel tank at any moment (Hard)
Note: Regret values can be modified
Natural (informative) (at each step): Negative, maximization problem
- (distance (km) + duration (h) + fuel (L) + infractions_penalty)
infractions_penalty = tw_infractions + hos_infractions + fuel_infractions tw_infractions = REGRET_TW + hours from time window if out of time window 0 otherwise REGRET_TW = 100 fuel_infractions = REGRET_FUEL if actual_fuel < 0 0 otherwise REGRET_FUEL = 999 hos_infraction = 0 hos_infraction += REGRET_SEQT if seq_t > MAX_SEQ_T else 0 hos_infraction += REGRET_DAYT if day_t > MAX_DAY_T else 0 hos_infraction += REGRET_WEET if week_t > MAX_WEEK_T else 0 REGRET_SEQT = 50 REGRET_DAYT = 100 REGRET_WEET = 200
Shaped reward (RL agent will take a lot of time to update, NOT RECOMMENDED):
- (length + duration + tw + fuel + HoS) in client node
- total_distance = 1 for each kilometer - total_duration = 1 for each minute - total_fuel = 1 for each liter - total_tw_infractions = Sum of (0 if arriving in time_window) (else 5 + 1 for each minute of difference) at each node - total_hos_infractions = Sum of hos infractions at each node - total_fuel_infractions = Sum of fuel infractions at each node - zero otherwise
Data examples include different versions of the Andalusia and Spain main roads map. You can use the script
to extract your own graphs. -
Some architectures (Double-Deep-Q Network, Message Passing Network) are included on the
subfolder, although they have not been used to solve the problem. -
Conda environment provided in