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Use synchronous answering machine detection on Twilio channels
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rowanseymour committed Aug 23, 2021
1 parent 3f0c73e commit 9d7e744
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Showing 2 changed files with 47 additions and 107 deletions.
33 changes: 10 additions & 23 deletions core/ivr/twiml/twiml.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -177,8 +176,9 @@ func (c *client) URNForRequest(r *http.Request) (urns.URN, error) {

// CallResponse is our struct for a Twilio call response
type CallResponse struct {
SID string `json:"sid"`
Status string `json:"status"`
SID string `json:"sid" validate:"required"`
Status string `json:"status"`
AnsweredBy string `json:"answered_by"`

// RequestCall causes this client to request a new outgoing call for this provider
Expand All @@ -191,8 +191,6 @@ func (c *client) RequestCall(number urns.URN, callbackURL string, statusURL stri

if machineDetection {
form.Set("MachineDetection", "Enable")
form.Set("AsyncAmd", "true")
form.Set("AsyncAmdStatusCallback", statusURL)

sendURL := c.baseURL + strings.Replace(callPath, "{AccountSID}", c.accountSID, -1)
Expand All @@ -206,16 +204,17 @@ func (c *client) RequestCall(number urns.URN, callbackURL string, statusURL stri
return ivr.NilCallID, trace, errors.Errorf("received non 201 status for call start: %d", trace.Response.StatusCode)

// parse out our call sid
// parse the response from Twilio
call := &CallResponse{}
err = json.Unmarshal(trace.ResponseBody, call)
if err != nil || call.SID == "" {
return ivr.NilCallID, trace, errors.Errorf("unable to read call id")
if err := utils.UnmarshalAndValidate(trace.ResponseBody, call); err != nil {
return ivr.NilCallID, trace, errors.Wrap(err, "unable parse Twilio response")

if call.Status == statusFailed {
return ivr.NilCallID, trace, errors.Errorf("call status returned as failed")
if call.AnsweredBy == "machine_start" || call.AnsweredBy == "fax" {
return ivr.NilCallID, trace, errors.Errorf("call answered by machine")

return ivr.CallID(call.SID), trace, nil
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -293,25 +292,13 @@ func (c *client) ResumeForRequest(r *http.Request) (ivr.Resume, error) {
// StatusForRequest returns the call status for the passed in request, and if it's an error the reason,
// and if available, the current call duration
func (c *client) StatusForRequest(r *http.Request) (models.ConnectionStatus, models.ConnectionError, int) {
// we re-use our status callback for AMD results which will have an AnsweredBy field but no CallStatus field
answeredBy := r.Form.Get("AnsweredBy")
if answeredBy != "" {
switch answeredBy {
case "machine_start", "fax":
return models.ConnectionStatusErrored, models.ConnectionErrorMachine, 0
return models.ConnectionStatusInProgress, "", 0

status := r.Form.Get("CallStatus")
switch status {

case "queued", "ringing":
return models.ConnectionStatusWired, "", 0

case "in-progress", "initiated":
return models.ConnectionStatusInProgress, "", 0

case "completed":
duration, _ := strconv.Atoi(r.Form.Get("CallDuration"))
return models.ConnectionStatusCompleted, "", duration
Expand All @@ -321,7 +308,7 @@ func (c *client) StatusForRequest(r *http.Request) (models.ConnectionStatus, mod
case "no-answer":
return models.ConnectionStatusErrored, models.ConnectionErrorNoAnswer, 0
case "canceled", "failed":
return models.ConnectionStatusErrored, "", 0
return models.ConnectionStatusErrored, models.ConnectionErrorProvider, 0

logrus.WithField("call_status", status).Error("unknown call status in status callback")
Expand Down
121 changes: 37 additions & 84 deletions web/ivr/ivr_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -123,8 +123,6 @@ func TestTwilioIVR(t *testing.T) {
testdata.Cathy.ID, models.ConnectionStatusWired, "Call1").Returns(1)
testsuite.AssertQuery(t, db, `SELECT COUNT(*) FROM channels_channelconnection WHERE contact_id = $1 AND status = $2 AND external_id = $3`,
testdata.Bob.ID, models.ConnectionStatusWired, "Call2").Returns(1)
testsuite.AssertQuery(t, db, `SELECT COUNT(*) FROM channels_channelconnection WHERE contact_id = $1 AND status = $2 AND external_id = $3`,
testdata.George.ID, models.ConnectionStatusWired, "Call3").Returns(1)

tcs := []struct {
label string
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -252,51 +250,6 @@ func TestTwilioIVR(t *testing.T) {
expectedResponse: `<Response><!--call completed--><Say>An error has occurred, please try again later.</Say><Hangup></Hangup></Response>`,
expectedConnStatus: map[string]string{"Call1": "D", "Call2": "D", "Call3": "W"},
label: "call3 started",
url: fmt.Sprintf("/ivr/c/%s/handle?action=start&connection=3", testdata.TwilioChannel.UUID),
form: nil,
expectedStatus: 200,
expectedContains: []string{`<Gather numDigits="1" timeout="30"`, `<Say>Hello there. Please enter one or two. This flow was triggered by Cathy</Say>`},
expectedConnStatus: map[string]string{"Call1": "D", "Call2": "D", "Call3": "I"},
label: "answer machine detection sent to tell us we're talking to a voicemail",
url: fmt.Sprintf("/ivr/c/%s/status", testdata.TwilioChannel.UUID),
form: url.Values{
"CallSid": []string{"Call3"},
"AccountSid": []string{"sid"},
"AnsweredBy": []string{"machine_start"},
"MachineDetectionDuration": []string{"2000"},
expectedStatus: 200,
expectedContains: []string{"<Response><!--status updated: E next_attempt:"},
expectedConnStatus: map[string]string{"Call1": "D", "Call2": "D", "Call3": "E"},
label: "subsequent resume which should see we are now errored and hangup",
url: fmt.Sprintf("/ivr/c/%s/handle?action=resume&connection=3", testdata.TwilioChannel.UUID),
form: url.Values{
"CallStatus": []string{"completed"},
"wait_type": []string{"gather"},
"Digits": []string{"56"},
expectedStatus: 200,
expectedResponse: `<Response><!--ending call due to previous status callback--><Say>An error has occurred, please try again later.</Say><Hangup></Hangup></Response>`,
expectedConnStatus: map[string]string{"Call1": "D", "Call2": "D", "Call3": "E"},
label: "then Twilio will call the status callback to say that we're done but don't overwrite the error status",
url: fmt.Sprintf("/ivr/c/%s/status", testdata.TwilioChannel.UUID),
form: url.Values{
"CallSid": []string{"Call3"},
"CallStatus": []string{"completed"},
"CallDuration": []string{"50"},
expectedStatus: 200,
expectedResponse: `<Response><!--status D ignored, already errored--></Response>`,
expectedConnStatus: map[string]string{"Call1": "D", "Call2": "D", "Call3": "E"},
label: "we don't have a call trigger so incoming call creates a missed call event",
url: fmt.Sprintf("/ivr/c/%s/incoming", testdata.TwilioChannel.UUID),
Expand All @@ -307,7 +260,7 @@ func TestTwilioIVR(t *testing.T) {
expectedStatus: 200,
expectedResponse: `<Response><!--missed call handled--></Response>`,
expectedConnStatus: map[string]string{"Call1": "D", "Call2": "D", "Call3": "E", "Call4": "I"},
expectedConnStatus: map[string]string{"Call1": "D", "Call2": "D", "Call3": "W", "Call4": "I"},
label: "",
Expand All @@ -319,7 +272,7 @@ func TestTwilioIVR(t *testing.T) {
expectedStatus: 200,
expectedResponse: `<Response><!--no flow start found, status updated: F--></Response>`,
expectedConnStatus: map[string]string{"Call1": "D", "Call2": "D", "Call3": "E", "Call4": "F"},
expectedConnStatus: map[string]string{"Call1": "D", "Call2": "D", "Call3": "W", "Call4": "F"},

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -363,8 +316,41 @@ func TestTwilioIVR(t *testing.T) {

testsuite.AssertQuery(t, db, `SELECT count(*) FROM msgs_msg WHERE contact_id = $1 AND msg_type = 'V' AND connection_id = 2
AND ((status = 'H' AND direction = 'I') OR (status = 'W' AND direction = 'O'))`, testdata.Bob.ID).Returns(2)

testsuite.AssertQuery(t, db, `SELECT status, error_reason FROM channels_channelconnection WHERE contact_id = $1 AND next_attempt IS NOT NULL`, testdata.George.ID).Columns(map[string]interface{}{"status": "E", "error_reason": "M"})
func mockVonageHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if r.URL.Query().Get("recording") != "" {
} else {
type CallForm struct {
To []struct {
Number string `json:"number"`
} `json:"to"`
Action string `json:"action,omitempty"`
body, _ := io.ReadAll(r.Body)
form := &CallForm{}
json.Unmarshal(body, form)
logrus.WithField("method", r.Method).WithField("url", r.URL.String()).WithField("body", string(body)).WithField("form", form).Info("test server called")

// end of a leg
if form.Action == "transfer" {
} else if form.To[0].Number == "16055741111" {
w.Write([]byte(`{ "uuid": "Call1","status": "started","direction": "outbound","conversation_uuid": "Conversation1"}`))
} else if form.To[0].Number == "16055743333" {
w.Write([]byte(`{ "uuid": "Call2","status": "started","direction": "outbound","conversation_uuid": "Conversation2"}`))
} else if form.To[0].Number == "2065551212" {
// start of a transfer leg
w.Write([]byte(`{ "uuid": "Call3","status": "started","direction": "outbound","conversation_uuid": "Conversation3"}`))
} else {

func TestVonageIVR(t *testing.T) {
Expand All @@ -384,40 +370,7 @@ func TestVonageIVR(t *testing.T) {
db.MustExec(`UPDATE channels_channel SET config = '{"nexmo_app_id": "app_id", "nexmo_app_private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----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\nx6XroMXsmbnsEw==\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----", "callback_domain": "localhost:8090"}', role='SRCA' WHERE id = $1`, testdata.VonageChannel.ID)

// start test server
ts := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if r.URL.Query().Get("recording") != "" {
} else {
type CallForm struct {
To []struct {
Number string `json:"number"`
} `json:"to"`
Action string `json:"action,omitempty"`
body, _ := io.ReadAll(r.Body)
form := &CallForm{}
json.Unmarshal(body, form)
logrus.WithField("method", r.Method).WithField("url", r.URL.String()).WithField("body", string(body)).WithField("form", form).Info("test server called")

// end of a leg
if form.Action == "transfer" {
} else if form.To[0].Number == "16055741111" {
w.Write([]byte(`{ "uuid": "Call1","status": "started","direction": "outbound","conversation_uuid": "Conversation1"}`))
} else if form.To[0].Number == "16055743333" {
w.Write([]byte(`{ "uuid": "Call2","status": "started","direction": "outbound","conversation_uuid": "Conversation2"}`))
} else if form.To[0].Number == "2065551212" {
// start of a transfer leg
w.Write([]byte(`{ "uuid": "Call3","status": "started","direction": "outbound","conversation_uuid": "Conversation3"}`))
} else {
ts := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(mockVonageHandler))
defer ts.Close()

wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
Expand Down

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