Fortran-Reducer is a tool for extracting reproducers from Fortran codes that takes a Fortran file that has a property of interest and automatically builds a hierarchy of used modules in that file and generates a compile line for all files.
NOTE: This tool can be used on both Linux and Windows.
Build and Run:
Cloning a repository:
git clone
cd Fortran-reducer
To run, you need to enter the following command in the command line: python3.x <name_file>
–source-dir <path_to_module>
-i <additional_path_to_module>
-x <excluded_path>
–o <name_output_file>
-out-dir <path_output>
-print-module-only-deps=on -intrinsics:extended -verbose -check_include_file
The file name can be specified both through the full path to this file, and through name.f90 if it is located in the same directory as
Basic options:
- -source-dir:
allows to specify the path to the source code search directory and another codes, which contains needed modules.
NOTE: If source files are located in the same directory as, then this option can be omitted.
- -i:
is an addition to -source-dir and allows to add the additional search path.
- -x:
removes the specified path from consideration for finding modules.
- -log:off:
allows you not to create a file log.txt with the output of the entire hierarchy.
- -o:
allows to create the merged output source file with containing all dependences. On the output we have Fortran file which contains all dependences modules arranged in the order of nesting.
- -out-dir:
specifies the path where a folder Result for output files will be created.
- -print-module-only-deps=on:
allows to print the used internal entities/objects from “USE statement” only-list.
- -intrinsics:
has three behavior modes (default, off and extended). This options allow to ignore missing intrinsics modules such as iso_c_binding, mpi, omp_lib and others. In the default mode the modules are found as a result of the script execution and compared with the default list of system modules. In the extended mode the behavior is similar, but the comparison occurs with a larger list. And in the third mode the comparison doesn’t happen.
- -verbose:
enables additional debug output( it’s a file which is currently being viewed, additional execution steps).
- -check_include_file:
allows you to search for #include preprocessor directives in addition to "use statement" and display them in the final compilation line.
NOTE: The path containing spaces must be enclosed in quotation marks.
If you use -check_include_file option, so please add -Iinclide(Linux) or /Iinclude(Windows) to compilation line
Example start for Windows: python hp_calc_chi.f90 -source-dir C:\sr\q-e-qe-6.7.0 -out-dir C:\doc\dtest\dtest1 -i C:\doc\dfil -i C:\doc\project -verbose -check_include_file -log:off -o repro.f90 -x C:\doc\project\test
Example start for Linux: python hp_calc_chi.f90 -source-dir /src/dtest -out-dir /src/dtest -i /src/doc/dfil -i /src/doc/project -verbose -check_include_file -log:off -o repro.f90 -x /src/doc/project/test
As a result of execution, will be received 2 text files(log.txt
and summary.txt
) and 1 Fortran file repro.f90
. The first contains the hierarchy of modules, and the second contains the modules that were not found and the compilation line.
Let's consider an example of executing the tool on the ELPA open source project.
There is a Fortran file which includes the code below:
#include "config-f90.h"
module elpa1_impl
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
use elpa_utilities
use elpa1_auxiliary_impl
use likwid
implicit none
Run the tool on this file: python elpa1.F90 -source-dir /home/elpa/src -check_include_file -o repro.f90
As a result of execution, the Result folder will be created, in which all files containing the necessary modules will be placed. In addition, a separate include folder will be created in Result, where all "#include" files will be placed.
The files with the module hierarchy (log.txt
) and with the compilation line (summary.txt
) and the repro.f90
file will be located in the Result folder.
The file log.txt:
module elpa_utilities:<path>
--------module iso_fortran_env:intrinsic module
--------module elpa_gpu:<path>
----------------module precision:<path>
----------------module iso_c_binding:intrinsic module
----------------module mkl_offload:<path>
------------------------module iso_c_binding:intrinsic module
----------------module cuda_functions:<path>
------------------------module precision:<path>
----------------module hip_functions:<path>
------------------------module precision:<path>
The file summary.txt:
At the beginning of the entry, the paths of all modules that are used.
The rest of the findings follow:
Modules without use statement:
mod_precision.F90 elpa_constants.F90 elpa_generated_fortran_interfaces.F90 ftimings_type.F90 timer_dummy.F90 mod_scalapack_interfaces.F90
Compilation line:
mod_precision.F90 mod_hip.F90 mod_cuda.F90 mod_time_c.F90 mod_mkl_offload.F90 elpa_constants.F90 ftimings_type.F90 mod_vendor_agnostic_layer.F90 mod_mpi_stubs.F90 ftimings_value.F90 elpa_utilities.F90 timer_dummy.F90 matrix_plot.F90 <!module PRECISION_MODULE!> ftimings.F90 mod_blas_interfaces.F90 mod_mpi.F90 elpa_generated_fortran_interfaces.F90 mod_omp.F90 elpa_api.F90 elpa_abstract_impl.F90 mod_v_add_s.F90 mod_solve_secular_equation.F90 mod_add_tmp.F90 mod_check_monotony.F90 mod_transform_columns.F90 mod_resort_ev.F90 mod_distribute_global_column.F90 mod_global_gather.F90 mod_global_product.F90 mod_cholesky_cuda.F90 mod_invert_trm_cuda.F90 mod_merge_systems.F90 mod_merge_recursive.F90 check_for_gpu.F90 mod_solve_tridi.F90 elpa1_compute_private.F90 mod_thread_affinity.F90 mod_scalapack_interfaces.F90 <!module likwid!> mod_elpa_invert_trm.F90 mod_elpa_cholesky.F90 elpa1_auxiliary.F90 elpa1.F90
Modules and includes not found:
Missing modules: 1 - module PRECISION_MODULE 2 - module likwid Missing include: 1 - config-f90.h 2 - elpa_generated_public_fortran_interfaces.h 3 - fortran_constants.F90 4 - elpa_generated_fortran_interfaces.h 5 - module PRECISION_MODULE