- Science Museum of Minnesota: Development of a Quiz App for an Exhibition screen. Tech Stack: React, Gatsby, TailwindCSS, Figma and Contentful.
- Stockclubs.com: I developed features for their dashboard and helped with code cleanup. Tech Stack: React, TailwindCSS, Figma, and Contentful.
- Mansionlife.com: Developed UI features for their App. Tech Stack: Next.js, TailwindCSS, TypeScript, Storybook, and Jest.
- Klarus.com: Front-end development from Figma to Nuxt.js and CMS integration. Tech Stack: Nuxt.js, TailwindCSS, and Prismic CMS
- Diamono Game: Figma to Next.js development of landing page. Tech Stack: Next.js, TailwindCSS, and Figma.
- Logo Media: Connect Prebought Template to Sanity CMS Tech Stack: Next.js, Material UI, and Sanity
- Chatsee: Realtime chat app with filesharing, built with MERN stack.
- Nike/Jordan Store Clone: Clone of Nike/Jordan web store built with React and Sanity CMS.