- 🔭 My areas of expertise include Firewalls, Scripting, Networking, Packet Filtering, and Analysis.
- 👯 I'm looking to collaborate on open source projects related to networking and cybersecurity.
- 🤔 I'm looking for help with advanced scripting techniques.
- 💬 Ask me about network security, firewalls, and networking.
Here are some of my top skills:
- Network Security
- Firewalls (Cisco ASA, Fortinet, Palo Alto)
- Scripting (Python, Bash, PowerShell, C)
- Networking (TCP/IP, routing, switching)
- Packet Filtering and Analysis (Wireshark, tcpdump, XDP/eBPF)
Here are some of the recent projects I've worked on:
Here are some stats about my Github profile:
You can contact me via email.