- 👀 I’m interested in learning new DEV lenguages and techniques
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Spring for Java, VUE.js and MongoDB for Python
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on learning courses or new work proyects
- 📫 How to reach me...
- Casual, vía Twitter pls: https://twitter.com/Darketzer
- ⚡ Fun fact: Love Games, mainly Nintendo, and many other older or classic it's ok...
- Management and integration of teamwork
- Ease of spech, communication with clients
- Linux technical support, remote attention, VNC/TeamViewer/Ssh
- Problem solving, adaptation to the situation
- Technical writing, for manuals or documentation
- Content magagement, social media
- PHP, Laravel, Jetstream, Tailwind
- Html, Javascript
- CSS, Bootstrap, TailwindCSS
- Database, MySQL/MariaDB,
- PostgreSQL( Triggers and maintenance/recovery)
- C#/C++
- Shell/Bash
- Custom Linux Kernel compilation using plugins and patches
- GIT and Subversión
- Java 8, 11, 17
- Python
- Photoshop/Gimp
- Ilustrator/Inkscape
- General knowledge with video editing tools
- Markdawn Redaction
- Extensive time and experience in the gas sector and volumetric control, as well as the regulations that apply to them
- Spanish: Native Language
- Ingles: B2, Tech level