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1. Getting Started

ImmortalRDI edited this page Nov 25, 2023 · 11 revisions

Getting Started

Alright, let's get started with creating your very own visual effects? What? You're feeling overwhelmed by all of the things you might need, and so forth? Relax, take a deep breath. I got you. Just take a look below on what you'll need to get started making the best darned effects this side of the (Insert Location Here). Go check it out.


If you managed to find your way here on accident, this is a visual effects tutorial page for the game Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Studios. So, without this masterpiece of a video game, none of this would even be possible, or matter.

To begin any sort of modding, whether or creating mods or playing the game with them, you will need this handy dandy mod manager tool by LaughingLeader. This fantastic tool helps organize your active and inactive mods all in the comfort of a single application.

This wonderful tool, created by Norbyte, will be needed for a variety of things, from paking mods and LSFX Files, to Hot Testing. You will be using this tool a lot.

This brilliant little doodaad is a must have for any modder on the go. Created by ShinyHobo, it will allow you to accomplish a variety of tasks. Using lslib to handle functions, this allows you to pack your mod, search base game files, generate UUIDs and more.

This is a text/code editor that you will need to get anything done. It is my preferred editor.

This is another option for code editing. It does mostly the same thing as VSCode, only with a different layout and color scheme. Pick one, or another of your choice.

This can be anything from a spell, status, passive, weapon, armor or more. The possibilities are endless! Well, not really, but there are a lot of possibilities.

This is an .lsf file that contains a collection of effects, attached to different things for different reasons. All gathered together in a neat little package, that comes with a UUID. We'll get more into that later.

This is similar to a MultiEffectInfos in that it can contain various Visual effects. However, there are some major differences that we will discuss momentarily.

This, quite simply, is the games reference point. It will tell your MultiEffectInfos, RootTemplate and other stuff where to look for the lsfx. More on that after these messages from our Sponsors </Play_30Minute_Advertisement(PreperationH).>

This is the core. You will find all of the bits and pieces associated with a particular VFX File. I'll tell you why it's so important in a bit.


You're going to need this. One, because this can end up being time consuming. But also, you have to put up with my awful jokes if you want to get through the rest of this tutorial.



If you didn't really have this, you probably wouldn't have read this far in the first place, so congratulations, you're about ready to make some magic!

Final Requirement Notes

Alright, now that you know everything you need, we can finally move on to the next stage of my plan for world domi-...crap, wrong post. I mean let's get you on your way to making fun visual effects:

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