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In this Exemplar we investigate whether we can use signals form technical and quantitative analysis to predict future stock returns


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Decoding Market Signals

Leveraging candlestick patterns, machine learning and alpha signals for enhanced trading strategy analysis


This project aims to rigorously back-test a trading strategy, focusing on evaluating the informational value of candlestick patterns. Utilising Python, a pipeline of functions will systematically scan and evaluate the components of the S&P 500 stock market index for patterns upon which one can base a trading decision.

Advanced functionalities of the Pandas library will be employed to load, manipulate and store detailed statistical data, particularly method chains, multi-indexed data frames and user-defined functions acting on rows and columns of data frames.

The project's core involves assessing the predictive capabilities of these trading signals using nuanced binary classification performance metrics, thereby determining their practical applicability. Additionally, a logistic regression model will be deployed to explore the intersection of finance and machine learning. This phase aims to ascertain whether machine learning algorithms can outperform traditional methods in predicting market movements based on identified signals.

This multifaceted project integrates financial analysis, data science, and machine learning, promising insights with both academic and practical implications. Its methodologically sound approach, coupled with detailed documentation and learning annotations, is designed to make it an exemplary contribution to the ReCoDE initiative, showcasing the transformative potential of research computing and data science in interdisciplinary research.

Learning Outcomes

  • Setting up a custom computational environment for financial data science.
  • Making a custom technical analysis library written in C++ work with recent Python.
  • Obtaining and pre-processing high-quality financial data.
  • Using Pandas' best-practices like method-chaining, and multi-index data frames for data manipulation
  • Independently testing and analysing trading actions proposed on a hypothesis.
Task Time
Reading 4 hours
Practising 6 hours


  • Foundational knowledge of Python and Pandas.
  • An interest in stock markets and trading signals.
  • An interest in statistical analysis and hypothesis testing.
  • Resilience in troubleshooting and adapting older libraries to work with recent Python versions.
    • Particularly, we will make use of a library called ta-lib that contains a pattern-recognition library detecting candlestick patterns in Open-High-Low-Close (OHCL) data.
  • Familiarity with Jupyter notebooks, type annotations, and automation.


The repository is self-contained. Additional references are provided in the Jupyter notebooks. When we move form a single-stock analysis to the whole investment-universe, the resulting data frames become too large to work with on a standard machine leading to Kernel crashes. They are themselves not dangerous to the hardware of the computer at all, and one can mitigate this by selecting a subset of the data. If you wish to run the code on all the data, you need a potent machine, or alternatively execute the code on the HPC facilities. That does not hinder you from getting started, though.


A recent mid-class laptop is sufficient to follow along the code. The more data you wish to analyse, the more RAM it should have. The code was developed on a Linux machine.

In this code exemplary, we make use of Python 3.11. Identifying the candlestick patterns in financial markets data is obtained by using a library that is called ta-lib. It works well for our task, but its Python wrapper is no longer maintained. If you are comfortable with an older version of Python, precisely Python 3.8 or Python 3.9, or just want to get started, it is straightforward to install an older version using pip or conda.

ta-lib was tested to be installable from pypi on Python 3.8 and 3.9. If you just want to get started, use Python 3.8. ta-lib can then be installed using pip install TA-Lib. Alternatively, if you want to make use of the conda package manager, use conda install ta-lib For Python 3.9, the author observed on a Linux operating system, that conda install ta-lib worked straightforward, whereas pip install ta-lib did not.

If you want to make use of later versions of Python such as the environment this project was developed on, precisely Python v. 3.11, the process is more involved and requires compiling ta-lib's C++ files from source.

We now encountered two common problems, we frequently face as computer and data scientists: i) Making legacy code run on modern systems, ii) Facing multiple choices of which package manager to use. If you are just interested on getting started, use Python 3.8 and skip the following section.

For the interested reader, is follows some background information on i) and ii). Issue i) is commonly encountered in practice, especially in larger corporations operating with custom software, whose author's stopped maintaining their code. There is no silver bullet on working with legacy code and custom problems often need tailor-made solutions. For this project, the author wrote a shell script that is custom-made to set up ta-lib for Python 3.11. Whenever you are not sure whether a solution works and you have reasons to believe your attempt is error-prone, might have side effects, or spoil the operating system, it is advisable to work from within a virtual environment, for example using Docker, before employing a working solution on the user's machine. Discussing Docker is beyond the scope of this documentation, however.

The shell script can also be directly applied to work on macOS as the latter uses the Z shell by default. The Z shell, is also known as zsh and is a Unix shell that is built on top of bash. Hence, compatibility is likely and the script should run without reservation. For Windows users the shell script can also be modified to work on the Windows shell or PowerShell. The equivalent of a Linux shell script on Windows is a batch script and the commands expressed have to be translated to make them compatible on Windows.

Let us now quickly address issue ii): If your Python environment is set up using miniconda (recommended), see also, both, conda and pip are installed by default, and you can make use of both them.
If your Python environment is set up using the source files from you might have to install pip separately and cannot use the benefits of conda.

What then is the difference between pip and conda? Pip is a package manager specifically designed for Python packages. It primarily focuses on installing and managing Python libraries and packages from the Python Package Index (PyPI). Pip is used for managing Python dependencies within a Python environment. On the other hand, Conda is a more comprehensive package manager and environment manager. While it can manage Python packages, it is not limited to Python and can handle packages and libraries from various programming languages. Conda is often used to create isolated environments that can include different versions of Python and non-Python dependencies. It can manage both Python packages and system-level packages and is capable of handling complex dependency resolution.

Managing and detecting version conflicts of a large Python setup is again a topic on its own. Granted conda is diligent, but slow, the reader is encouraged to look into promising alternatives like mamba, which is a package manager written in C++ and hence more performant than conda, although less tested.

A final note regarding code-formatting. To comply with the PEP-8 style guide for Python code,, we make use of a code-formatter, that automatically spots issues concerning spacing and style. It is applied on code that runs error-free and ensures style consistency. There are several open-source code-formatters out there and arguably the most popular are black, see, and Ruff, see The former is well-tested, however the latter is more performant and has recently gained increasing attention. Hence, we make use of Ruff.

Getting Started


For Windows and MacOS based machines, you will have to install the ta-lib library separately. Instructions to do so can be found here. Once installed, you can create a virtual environment as suggested below and use pip install ta-lib to install the required Python wrapper, and pip install -r requirements.txt to install the other dependencies.


The following code was tested on Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS using Python 3.11. For other Linux distributions you need to modify the commands that install software on your system. For example, on Fedora, the default package manager is dnf rather than Ubuntu's apt. Also, you might modify python3.11 -m venv MarketSignals to whatever python version you have. Typically, one can also use the default system Python. The first line in the below sequence then reads python -m venv MarketSignals rather than python3.11 -m venv MarketSignals. However, on my setup, I opted to install a more recent version of Python , here 3.11. I then have to explicitly call this version to create a virtual environment. Besides, I opted to leave Ubuntu's default system Python alone. The reason is somewhat more intricate. In short, in contrast to Windows, Ubuntu's bootloader grub critically depends on this system Python. If, for any reason you spoil this system Python, you cannot just delete and re-install it. Should you try to do, your system will not boot anymore. Hence, I leave the system Python untouched and instead opted for a separate Python version explicitly set for development work. This dev work Python, I can modify, fine-tune, delete, and re-install without ever even touching the system Python, making it safer to experiment.

Execute the following sequences in your Linux terminal to set up your Python environment needed to run the DecodingMarketSignals repository.

python3.11 -m venv MarketSignals  # create a virtual environment
source MarketSignals/bin/activate  # activate the virtual environment
sudo apt-get install python3.11-dev  # installs the Python 3.11 development files on your Ubuntu or Debian-based Linux system.
pip install -r requirements.txt  # install dependencies via pip 
chmod +x  # set execution rights for the shell script to install TA-lib from source
./  # run the script installing TA-lib  
jupyter-notebook  # optional: launch an instance of Jupyter notebook and run the examples (assumes you downloaded the CRSP data already).

Start by opening and reading through the Jupyter notebook. All essential steps are separated in respective sub-sections. Once you have an understanding of the overall goal, you can start setting up your Python environment along `ta-lib and either replicate the results or apply the techniques demonstrated to your own data. The reader is encouraged to apply the methods outlined on their own data from different markets, for instance, the futures and forex markets.

Project Structure


├── data

│   ├── SP500_daily_data_1980_to_2023.csv.gz (to be downloaded by the user via WRDS)

│   └── SP500_tickers_one_per_line.txt

├── figures

|   ├── candlestick_anatomy.png

|   ├── WRDS_overview.png

|   ├── CRSP1_select_quarterly.png

|   ├── ...

│   └── WRDS_overview.png

├── notebooks

|   ├──

|   ├── 1_obtaining_financial_data.ipynb

|   ├── 2_single_stock_case.ipynb

|   ├── 3_SP500_case.ipynb


├── requirements.txt

├── mkdocs.yml




This project is licensed under the BSD-3-Clause license


In this Exemplar we investigate whether we can use signals form technical and quantitative analysis to predict future stock returns








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