Before we begin, I deeply apologize that I didn't have enough time to organize through this better. I'll get around to it, one day.
_____________________________________ ![Throne of Lies]( Game Studio is working on their new flagship title, Throne of Lies: The Online Game of Lies and Deceit ~ Check us out and support us in our Kickstarter this September! PC/Mac/Linux
(Note: This is NOT consumer-friendly -- this repo is for devs)
1 >> Go to ./#src/ and download this all
2 >> ./#src/assets/ folder contains all officially used assets
3 >> Download App Inventor VERSION 1 [Obsolete - just Google it]
OR (recommended) find a way to modernize it so you don't use app inventor (see TODO below for clues) OR use the attached ai personal serverin ./#src/__AIServer/
4 >> Open the .aia file in ./#src and good to go!
* Reorganize hierarchy and a better README
* Convert to a more modern coding engine (currently using an obsolete version 1 of "AppInventor" by MIT (THUNKABLE? Their new project. They just offered a new migration method @ Good luck, mates :)
Dungeon Master's Toolbox (AKA "DMToolbox (DMT)" by Imperium42 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at other words, please mention "Imperium42" name somewhere -- it can be tiny, I don't care.
Feel free to make it smaller, move it around, it doesn't matter, as long as it's shown :)
Screenshot of logic blocks (demo of how ads work):