A Legit external PVP Client for Minecraft Windows 10 Edition
- Latite is just a hobby project
- If you have issues with some mods, make sure to run it in administrator mode
- For the overlay to work properly, launch it before Minecraft
Use Visual Studio 2019
- Make sure you have C++ development installed
- Make sure you have .NET Framework development installed (unless you only build the DLL)
- Put the
in the same place
Hold a key to zoom in. This key can be changed
Show what keys you're pressing, also the CPS, in real time.
Show your position and how fast you move
- The lower numbers are the motion display, the top one is horizontal and the lower one is vertical
Look behind you like in F3 while holding a key
Changes the time of day on your screen
Makes the screen in-game fully bright.
Shows what block you're looking at in X/Y/Z coordinates.
Warning: This feature is not working in 1.3.0 due to a file reading bug.
If you go to servers.txt
, you can edit which servers don't allow what module. It is not recommended to allow a server's mod that is disabled by default. I am still not responsible for any bans using this PVP client.