Releases: InES-HPMM/FPD-LinkIII_ds90ub95x
Releases · InES-HPMM/FPD-LinkIII_ds90ub95x
FPD-Link III Driver (raspi-6.1.47-v8+) for Raspi Cam Module v3.12
This release includes the compiled module and device tree overlay for the 64-bit raspian with kernel version 6.1.47-v8+ for raspi camera module v3.12.
FPD-Link III Driver (raspi-6.1.47-v8+)
This release includes the compiled module and device tree overlay for the 64-bit raspian with kernel version 6.1.47-v8+.
FPD-Link III Driver (raspi-5.4.51-v7l+)
This release includes the compiled module and device tree overlay for the 32-bit raspian with kernel version 5.4.51-v7l+.