This repository contains the code to simulate the runtime behavior and performances of an embedded system. In our case the embedded system is a bracelet, which is worn by festival guests and allows them to find their friends by means of a P2P network of bracelets. More on this in the paper
This project was carried out as final project for the DTU course, Fundamentals of Modern Embedded Systems 02223
The simulator is split into
- Backend (Simulator)
- Frontend (Web UI)
Make sure maven is installed on the host
Open the terminal in the root folder and run the following command
mvn package
The simulator can simulate two communication algorithms:
More on this in the paper.
In order to run the change the mode it is necessary to change runSR boolean value in Simulator class:
public void start() {
new Thread(() -> {
try {
boolean runSR = true;
The configurations for the events and properties of the system and bracelet are defined in resources:
- event.txt (what happens in the system)
- params.txt (the characteristics of the bracelet in Braodcase)
- SRparams.txt (the characteristics of the bracelet in Search Request)
java -jar ./backend/target/*.jar
The Simulator will expose internal information and statistics through a REST API. The default port is 8080.
It is developed in Javascript, using the library P5. It is enough to open this file in the browser, once the simulator is running. The UI and the simulator talk using REST APIs. The default port both use is 8080. Change it in both if necessary.
A preview of the UI, along with many statistics :
The package is Open Source Software released under the MIT license.