Configurable dashboard for batsd-server.
To install batsd-dash, simply install the gem
gem install batsd-dash
Here is a sample rackup file (
require 'batsd-dash'
# set batsd server setting
BatsdDash::ConnectionPool.settings = { host: 'localhost', port: 8127, pool_size: 4}
# run the app
run BatsdDash::App
Rack is very powerful. You can password protect your batsd-dash instance by using Rack::Auth::Basic
or Rack::Auth::Digest::MD5
We use Sass for CSS within this project. If you make any changes to the Sass files, ensure you recompile the CSS. This is done by running:
compass compile --force --output-style compact --environment production --sass-dir lib/batsd-dash/sass --css-dir lib/public/css
Additionally, it is highly recommended you use thin for development since this app uses EventMachine.